

2024-12-12, @36氪, 兴业证券建材行业2025年年度策略:盈利底部,供需拐点将至

2024-12-12, @36氪, 春运机票预订已开启,热门航线机票涨价60%

2024-12-12, @36氪, 华金证券:关注优质IP对电竞和游戏出海影响

2024-12-12, @36氪, 北交所前11月新股发行规模同比降近七成,七成新股首日涨超100%

2024-12-12, @36氪, 国金证券:个人养老金迎全国推广,预计年缴存额有望超1500亿元

2024-12-12, @36氪, 上门维修软件服务Service Titan在IPO中筹集6.25亿美元

2024-12-12, @36氪, 两市融资余额增加53.62亿元

2024-12-12, @36氪, 海通证券:宁德时代与Stellantis合资建设电池厂,锂电设备需求有望回暖

2024-12-12, @36氪, 联发科或将首度打入苹果主力硬件产品供应链

2024-12-12, @36氪, 中信证券:明年受货币政策等因素影响 10年期美债利率或呈上行趋势

2024-12-12, @36氪, 高口碑电影年底扎堆冲刺票房,2025年春节档有望迎来强劲表现

2024-12-12, @36氪, 资金支持加速落地,多地推进存量房收储

2024-12-12, @36氪, 国泰君安:银行板块在跨年阶段通常有超额收益,预计2025年依旧不会缺席

2024-12-12, @36氪, 美元存款、理财再走俏,专家提示关注汇兑风险

2024-12-12, @36氪, 华泰证券:预计美联储大概率12月降息25bp

2024-12-12, @36氪, 深挖乘数效应,多地开启新一轮消费券发放

2024-12-12, @36氪, 西门子医疗完成对诺华分子成像业务的收购

2024-12-12, @36氪, 华米两名副总裁创业AI宠物硬件,「星联未来」完成千万元天使轮融资丨36氪首发

2024-12-12, @36氪, 中信证券:医美供需共振加速空间扩容,经营能力差异推动行业格局演变

2024-12-12, @36氪, 政策市场双轮驱动,机器人产业迎扩张期

2024-12-12, @36氪, 8点1氪|张庭恢复直播带货;12306要求第三方平台中止春运营销炒作;​王化辟谣小米在港拒招35岁以上员工

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 英伟达涉嫌误导投资者一案将继续审理,被指淡化加密货币对其业绩影响

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 填补空白,中国移动联合发布全国首个可关闭字幕领域国家标准

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 10 点速抢南山消费券:小米 45W GaN 小布丁充电器套装 38 元新低

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 消息称极越拟留下极少数员工维持业务,其余员工可选离职补偿或“自费上班”

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 史上最强鸿蒙平板:华为 MatePad Pro 13.2 2025 款首销,5099 元起

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 谷歌测试 Gemini AI 游戏助手:实时分析屏幕以提供游戏建议

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 消息称性能怪兽 M4 Extreme 搁浅,苹果集中资源研发 AI 服务器芯片

2024-12-12, @IT之家, Jason Schreier 称《GTA 6》可能推迟至后年:若明年如期发布将“感到震惊”

2024-12-12, @IT之家, Ulefone Armor Mini 20 坚固手机发售:6400 万红外夜视摄像头、6200mAh 电池,限时售 200 美元

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 荣耀亲选 LCHSE 耳夹式耳机首销:钛合金拱桥设计、36 小时续航,399 元

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 全球首个“AI 程序员”Devin 全面开放:可独立开发 / 修复 bug,月费 500 美元

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 谷歌推出 AI 代码助手 Jules,可帮助开发者修复代码错误

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 消息称谷歌正酝酿新一轮裁员风暴,低绩效员工比例提至 10%

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 科技昨夜今晨 1212:苹果 iOS 18.2 正式版发布;特斯拉 Cybertruck 完成工信部能源消耗量测算;真我 Neo7 手机发布...

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 谷歌称 Project Astra 将开启测试,部分人员通过智能眼镜体验 AI 助手

2024-12-12, @博客园, Spring框架IoC核心详解 - seven97_top

2024-12-12, @IT之家, 极星 Polestar 5 中大型轿跑车谍照曝光,有望搭载超快充电池

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 微软发布 Win11 27764 Canary 预览版:全屏时隐藏输入法工具栏、增强跳转列表等

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 马斯克成全球首位身家突破 4000 亿美元的富豪

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果发布 iPadOS 17.7.3 更新,修复多个高危漏洞

2024-12-11, @IT之家, Beats 推出新款苹果 iPhone 16 系列 MagSafe 保护壳,Beats Logo 更显眼

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 北京汽车:将与现代汽车共同向北京现代注资 10.95 亿美元

2024-12-11, @博客园, LeetCode题集-6 - Z 字形变换 - IT规划师

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 微软测试新功能:iPhone 与 Windows PC 轻松共享文件

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 消息称 Epic 游戏商城即将开启连送模式:圣诞节期间 16 款游戏免费送

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 谷歌 Pixel 9a 手机完整规格曝光:Tensor G4 芯片、峰值亮度 2700 尼特、5100mAh 电池、4800 万主摄

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 格莱美奖得主力荐:苹果升级语音备忘录 App,iPhone 16 Pro / Max 变身口袋里的录音棚

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 Apple Intelligence 走出美国,登陆英国、加拿大等六个国家

2024-12-11, @书格, 民国合作十二生肖图册

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 macOS Sequoia 15.2 确认 2025 款 M4 MacBook Air 机型即将推出

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果发布 tvOS / HomePod 18.2 更新:改善自然语言搜索等

2024-12-11, @36氪, 从开酒馆到开酒店,跳海的秘密是「文科生创业」|专访

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 watchOS 11.2 正式发布:扩展潮汐 App 地图支持

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 visionOS 2.2 正式发布: 多视角功能可同时观看 5 场比赛、扩展宽屏选项

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 macOS 15.2 正式发布:扩展 Apple Intelligence 功能

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 iOS 18.2 正式版发布:相机控制新增两段式快门、改进“照片”等

2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Voice Memos update brings Layered Recording to iPhone 16 Pro lineup

2024-12-11, @36氪, 氪星晚报|TikTok就加拿大下令关闭当地子公司提出审查申请;传小红书成立应用算法部,夏侯担任部门负责人;微软成立新的消费者人工智能健康业务部门

2024-12-11, @36氪, 特斯拉探索再次进入印度市场,Rivian在美开放自己充电网络|海外日报

2024-12-12, @不死鸟, 2024 年 12 月 每日分享

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 纯血鸿蒙版 QQ 应用获测试版 9.1.16 邀测升级:新增扫一扫、消息定位等功能

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 机械师 K500-M81 机械键盘开售:霍尔磁轴 + 键程可调、0.125ms 延迟,首发 249 元

2024-12-11, @36氪, 最前线|探访本田首个新能源工厂:配400多台机器人,追求“0”品质不良

2024-12-11, @博客园, 医疗花费预测(保姆级教程) - jiejieking

2024-12-11, @博客园, 在CodeBolcks+wxWidgets+wxSmith下的C++编程教程——用向导创建一个wxWidgets项目(sTetris) - lexyao

2024-12-11, @博客园, 代理模式 - 烟沙九洲

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 海贝推出 XENO(希诺)/ 约特 10 耳机,售价 988 元 / 788 元

2024-12-11, @博客园, c#之示波器功能 - 追忆呢

2024-12-11, @博客园, [Java] Stream流使用最多的方式 - 佛祖让我来巡山

2024-12-11, @小众软件, 在互联网某个无人在意的角落,手心输入法诈尸级更新[Windows]

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 荣耀 Magic V Flip 小折叠屏手机开启 MagicOS 9 系统公测升级

2024-12-11, @博客园, Python OpenCV按照像素点图片切割 - TechSynapse

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 苹果 2024 年 App Store Awards 名单公布:《剑与远征:启程》获年度 iPhone 游戏

2024-12-11, @博客园, Python随机抽取Excel数据并在处理后整合为一个文件 - 疯狂学习GIS

2024-12-11, @IT之家, Steam 玩家还需等待,游戏《黑神话:悟空》1.0.12 大版本更新上线腾讯 WeGame 平台

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 消息称某厂年前将推中端影像机:骁龙 7s Gen3 + IMX882 3X 潜望镜,预计为 realme 真我 14 系列

2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple honors 2024 App Store Award winners

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Chinese mainland: Lai Ching-te's U.S. 'stopover' a separatist move

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Chinese mainland: Lai Ching-te's U.S. 'stopover' a separatist move

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 比亚迪方程豹“钛 3”汽车明年上半年推出,后续将推其他硬派家用车型

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 理想超充站累积上线数突破 1200 座,布局城市 77 个

2024-12-11, @博客园, AI产品落地的多角度探索与实践 - 张善友

2024-12-11, @博客园, Redis原理—4.核心原理摘要 - 东阳马生架构

2024-12-11, @博客园, 最优订单执行策略的深度剖析与模型比较 - 数量技术宅

2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple Intelligence now features Image Playground, Genmoji, and more

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 云深处科技自研国产机器狗 X30 交付新加坡电网,预估每年节省 480 小时人工隧道检查时间

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 江西“省补”明日上午开放领券:手机、平板电脑价格立减 15%,补贴不超过 1000 元 / 笔

2024-12-11, @IT之家, 华为 WATCH GT 5 系列智能手表情绪健康新功能上线,支持分享、摘要能力

2024-12-11, @36氪, 海马体黄逸涵:过去落下了效率这个课题|厚雪专访

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, President Xi Jinping sends congratulations to new Mauritian president

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, President Xi Jinping sends congratulations to new Mauritian president

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, President Xi extends congratulations to Ghana's president-elect

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, President Xi extends congratulations to Ghana's president-elect

2024-12-11, @博客园, CDP与Selenium相结合——玩转网页端自动化数据采集/爬取程序 - 一只笨鼠

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, S. Korean police fail to raid presidential office due to obstruction

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Afghan acting minister killed in blast in Kabul

2024-12-11, @博客园, One API 替代品 Chat Nio 安装与使用教程 - 米开朗基杨

2024-12-11, @博客园, 微软中文输入法带来的一点小坑,导致arcgispro输入中文异常 - 云起

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, CGTN documentary "Decoded: Chinese Modernization" Trailer

2024-12-11, @博客园, 奇奇怪怪的编程语言:Malbolge - 笔墨绘星河1

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Chinese VP meets French delegation to bilateral high-level dialogue

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Chinese VP meets French delegation to bilateral high-level dialogue

2024-12-11, @博客园, 为什么你用的 MyBatis 慢?一行配置让它性能翻倍! - Java码界探秘

2024-12-11, @36氪, 一家连锁超市「爆改」的210天

2024-12-11, @博客园, 【C++】static 知识整理 【静态与局部静态】 - miilue

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Biden calls Trump's tariff approach 'a major mistake'

2024-12-11, @少数派, 城市漫步指南:攀枝花的钢铁与烈焰

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Military, police investigation into S. Korean martial law declaration

2024-12-11, @博客园, JAVA中ScheduledExecutorService的使用方法 - 地球上的张先生

2024-12-11, @博客园, datagridview点击列头对当前列进行排序的功能无效 - 咸鱼过海

2024-12-11, @36氪, 字节内部判断AI对话类产品天花板可能不高,提升剪映即梦优先级 |36氪独家

2024-12-11, @36氪, 面壁智能获新一轮数亿元融资 | 智涌要闻

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, 1 killed in S China's residential building explosion

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, National archaeological site park being built in Beijing's Zhoukoudian

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Georgian film wins Best Picture award at 6th HIIFF in Sanya

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty to visit China

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty to visit China

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Trending in China: Strawberry cakes in a retro style

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Paris Metro Line 6: The charm of elevated commuting

2024-12-11, @小众软件, Photopea 开发者新作 Vectorpea:免费在线矢量图编辑器

2024-12-11, @CGTV-Nature, The Green Miracle: Shapotou

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, The Green Miracle: Shapotou

2024-12-11, @少数派, 把重要的日子放在桌面:挑本新年日历,迎接 2025

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, ADB maintains China's growth outlook

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Community canteens, Beijing diners' choices

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, South Korea police raid Yoon office as impeachment vote looms

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, ByteDance, TikTok seek to pause U.S. ban pending Supreme Court review

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, ByteDance, TikTok seek to pause U.S. ban pending Supreme Court review

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Cultural roots and stardom: a Yue Opera performer's journey

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Ma Ying-jeou to lead delegation of Taiwan youth to visit mainland

2024-12-11, @少数派, 文献一团乱麻?试试 PARA 管理方法

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, China's Greater Bay Area to see opening of new sea channel bridge

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, S. Korean police raid Yoon's office over martial law declaration

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, U.S. conducts first-ever ballistic missile intercept test from Guam

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Illegal items, inadmissible entries increase at U.S.-Canada border

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Rebel-backed figure takes charge as Syria's interim prime minister

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, China conducts static firing test of XZY-1 verification rocket

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, China, Vietnam vow to maintain high-level exchanges, cooperation

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, China, Vietnam vow to maintain high-level exchanges, cooperation

2024-12-11, @CGTV-World, Google parent Alphabet jumps on quantum chip breakthrough

2024-12-11, @CGTV-China, Macao by numbers: Macao's economy and trade continue to grow

2024-12-11, @少数派, 派早报:腾讯视频下调 VIP 会员权益、Sora AI 向付费用户开放等

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, China’s opening-up boost foreign investor confidence

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, “1+10” dialogue highlights China’s role in global economic challenges

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, 65 killed in alleged paramilitary attack in east-central Sudan

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, South Korean court issues arrest warrant for ex-defense minister

2024-12-10, @CGTV-China, China reaffirms confidence, vows to remain global growth engine

2024-12-10, @CGTV-China, Tide rising: A new height in Macao's economic diversification

2024-12-10, @CGTV-China, China Media Group unveils ambitious 2025 TV drama slate

2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Global airlines could miss sustainable fuel targets, says IATA head

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, Global airlines could miss sustainable fuel targets, says IATA head

2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Chinese scientist wins 2024 UNEP's Champions of the Earth Award

2024-12-10, @CGTV-China, Chinese scientist wins 2024 UNEP's Champions of the Earth Award

2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Rescuers rush to save birds soaked in oil due to spill in Boston river

2024-12-10, @CGTV-World, Rescuers rush to save birds soaked in oil due to spill in Boston river

2024-12-10, @Apple 新闻, Apple Music expands live global radio offering with three brand-new stations

2024-12-10, @小众软件, 安卓远程控制工具 Scrcpy v3.1 升级:当虚拟显示窗口关闭时,应用不会被关闭,转移到主窗口

2024-12-10, @张洪Heo, 如何几乎不损失视频画质而大幅度压缩视频?来试试VBR可变比特率吧!

2024-12-10, @少数派, 社区速递 072 | 你没见过的社区文章、一周最热评、派友吃什么火锅

2024-12-10, @少数派, 一半的视野,成倍的精彩:聊聊我用过的 3 台半格胶片相机

2024-12-10, @小众软件, GeoTag – 从地图选点,为照片添加地理位置[macOS]

2024-12-10, @少数派, 线下活动|逐一场落日余晖:少数派摄影探索日

2024-12-10, @少数派, 万字解析:AI 驱动的大纲笔记,Tana 能否超越 Notion?

2024-12-10, @少数派, 派早报:广电总局发布「AI 魔改」管理提示,itch.io 遭 AI 举报下线等

2024-12-09, @书伴, [2024.12.09] Kindle 固件升级至 和

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Premier Li holds dialogue with 10 international economic organizations

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, HIIFF2024: Italian cinematographer Paolo Carnera on cinematic vision

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Chinese leadership meets to hash out 2025 economic plans

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Syrian government collapses in sudden upheaval with uncertain future

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Israeli army controls border areas, strikes strategic weapons in Syria

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China strengthens domestic violence response with new guidelines

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China's new-energy passenger car sales surge in November

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, Exploring China's green economy drive in Ordos

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Exploring China's green economy drive in Ordos

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Six Turkish soldiers die in helicopter training accident

2024-12-09, @少数派, 派评 | 近期值得关注的 App

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China's leadership holds symposium to solicit advice on economic work

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, CPC leadership meets on economy, Party conduct, anti-corruption work

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, Harmony Keepers: Guardians of Tibetan antelopes

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Harmony Keepers: Guardians of Tibetan antelopes

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, The Green Miracle: Saihanba

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, The Green Miracle: Saihanba

2024-12-09, @小众软件, ByePhotos – 找出 iPhone 相册中的重复照片,还支持压缩视频[限免中]

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Final touches added to giant snowman at Harbin snow sculpture expo

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Sanya's tropical paradise: Beaches, mountains, and culture

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, China calls for political solution to restore stability in Syria as soon as possible

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China calls for political solution to restore stability in Syria as soon as possible

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Hainan Island Film Festival highlights: Around the screens

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Mainland, Macao youths: Mutual learning fosters new opportunities

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, ISU event in Beijing boosts commercial impact of ice sports

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, China claim ITTF Mixed Team World Cup title

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China claim ITTF Mixed Team World Cup title

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Palmer on the spot as Chelsea roar back to beat Tottenham 4-3

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, S. Korean Justice Ministry imposes travel ban on President Yoon

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, China win two golds on last day of ISU short track tour in Beijing

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, China win two golds on last day of ISU short track tour in Beijing

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Retail therapy: Hotline steps in to solve shopping standoff

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Lando Norris wins in Abu Dhabi as McLaren end Formula 1 title drought

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Chinese FM urges human rights protection through global cooperation

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Chinese FM urges human rights protection through global cooperation

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Beijing News annual reading gala to open on Jan. 11

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, How Macao makes it under 'One Country, Two Systems' (Part 2)

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Unexpected and uncertain: How Syria came to this and what lies ahead

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, South Korean authorities order travel ban on President Yoon

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Trump's aides 'engage tech giants' to address online drug sales

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Police 'closing in on suspect' in UnitedHealth executive's murder

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, When tradition meets innovation

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Graphics: China's incremental stimulus stabilizes economy

2024-12-09, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/49

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, Migratory birds create mesmerizing waves over E China's Poyang Lake

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Migratory birds create mesmerizing waves over E China's Poyang Lake

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, 2024 to be the hottest year on record, EU scientists say

2024-12-09, @张洪Heo, 潘通 2025 年度色发布:PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse 摩卡慕斯

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, The road to rural revival

2024-12-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple announces Apple Retail expansion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, Global climate financing conference opens in S China

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Global climate financing conference opens in S China

2024-12-09, @CGTV-China, Global climate financing conference opens in S China

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, What happened after Syrian capital fell and al-Assad left?

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, Tonga's prime minister resigns, local media reports

2024-12-09, @CGTV-World, 6 found in fishing boat off South Korea 'in state of cardiac arrest'

2024-12-09, @潮流周刊, 第203期 - 银杏季节

2024-12-08, @CGTV-World, Assad and his family reportedly arrive in Moscow

2024-12-08, @CGTV-World, UN chief says future of Syria up to Syrians, UN will help

2024-12-08, @CGTV-World, Syria's Assad and his family are in Moscow: media

2024-12-08, @CGTV-World, News analysis: What's next for Syria and the Middle East?

2024-12-08, @CGTV-World, Israeli PM: 1974 UN-monitored Disengagement Agreement defunct

2024-12-08, @书格, 西江诗派韩饶二集

2024-12-08, @小众软件, 哔哩哔哩账号备份工具,但为什么要备份 B 站账号?

2024-12-07, @小众软件, 媳妇做课件太难,程序员熬夜写App:免费的音频转换器

2024-12-07, @CGTV-World, China's Cai, Wu advance to FIS Snowboard Halfpipe World Cup final

2024-12-07, @CGTV-Nature, Chinese scientists to decode DNA secrets of rare Tibetan antelope

2024-12-07, @CGTV-Nature, Meng Hao, Meng Tian: Names of baby panda twins at Zoo Berlin revealed

2024-12-07, @小众软件, 双12 特惠!Bartender 5 限时 8 折,最好的 macOS 菜单栏图标隐藏工具

2024-12-07, @CGTV-Nature, World's oldest-known albatross lays an egg in Hawaii at age 74

2024-12-06, @小众软件, SimpleMindMap – 开源、功能完整的思维导图工具[跨平台/Web],更新 obsidian 插件

2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, New innovation drive: China's trade-in policy sparks green consumption

2024-12-06, @小众软件, TLDRify – 标记网页内特定文字内容,并转换为短链接

2024-12-06, @不死鸟, Quick Picture Viewer看图

2024-12-06, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 328 期):AI 模型不是一门好生意

2024-12-05, @书格, 人物事迹十二帧册

2024-12-05, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 441 - Goodbye, Rust. I wish you success but I'm back to C++ (sorry, it is a rant)

2024-12-05, @Apple 新闻, MLS Cup streams free on Apple TV this Saturday

2024-12-05, @CGTV-Nature, North China wetland welcomes large number of rare cranes

2024-12-05, @CGTV-Nature, Bird's-eye view of E China's idyllic tea plantations

2024-12-05, @CGTV-Nature, World Soil Day: Sampling of the 3rd national soil survey completed

2024-12-05, @书伴, 2024 款 Kindle Paperwhite 和入门版 Kindle 哪个更值得买?

2024-12-05, @CGTV-Nature, International tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels: UN agency

2024-12-04, @书伴, [2024.12.04] Kindle Scribe 固件升级至 5.17.2

2024-12-04, @张洪Heo, Mac上使用Drawthings的Flux模型进行扩图、补图

2024-12-04, @不死鸟, 电视直播大全

2024-12-04, @不死鸟, 网页在线工具汇总

2024-12-04, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 576

2024-12-04, @张洪Heo, Mac使用rsync实现本地文件夹同步到服务器,提交编译好的静态站点,增量提交网站

2024-12-03, @Apple 新闻, Apple Podcasts names Hysterical the 2024 Show of the Year

2024-12-03, @CGTV-Nature, Death toll from floods in Malaysia, S Thailand rises above 30

2024-12-03, @CGTV-Nature, Australia sees hottest spring on record

2024-12-03, @不死鸟, 汉王扫描王

2024-12-03, @张洪Heo, Alist如何添加Ubuntu服务器的文件夹,给服务器添加上传SFTP的账号并授予访问权限

2024-12-03, @CGTV-Nature, 5 die after Kenyan coastal city hit by heavy rain

2024-12-03, @CGTV-Nature, China Pavilion opens at UN desertification conference in Riyadh

2024-12-02, @阮一峰的网络日志, AI 应用无代码开发教程:工作流模式详解

2024-12-02, @张洪Heo, PixPin上手:Mac上强大免费的截图、录屏工具,一个都搞定

2024-12-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/48

2024-12-02, @潮流周刊, 第202期 - 夕阳西下

2024-12-01, @CGTV-Nature, Explainer: How can desertification affect us?

2024-12-01, @朽丘博, 24年11月小结

2024-12-01, @不死鸟, 资源搜索引擎

2024-11-30, @CGTV-Nature, Venezuela’s last glacier

2024-11-29, @书格, 十一家注孙子

2024-11-29, @CGTV-Nature, Winter warmth: Giant panda cubs share cozy cuddles at Sichuan base

2024-11-29, @张洪Heo, 宝塔Nginx反代上游服务器不支持HTTP3,如何启用HTTP3

2024-11-29, @CGTV-Nature, Next Stop: The origin of China's rural reform

2024-11-29, @CGTV-Nature, China's largest desert fully encircled with green belt

2024-11-29, @CGTV-Nature, Over 60,000 displaced by flooding in Malaysia

2024-11-29, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 327 期):没有链接的互联网

2024-11-28, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 440 - Nio: An Async Runtime for Rust

2024-11-29, @不死鸟, 2024 年 11 月 每日分享

2024-11-28, @张洪Heo, 宝塔如何开启HTTP3,启用HTTP3使用QUIC进行高性能传输

2024-11-28, @张洪Heo, 使用Certimate部署Google证书,免费通配符证书申请

2024-11-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 104 期

2024-11-27, @CGTV-Nature, Farmers brace for cold wave sweeping across China

2024-11-27, @CGTV-Nature, Next Stop: Unique Miao culture helps boost tourism

2024-11-27, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 575

2024-11-26, @书格, 四时山水图册

2024-11-26, @不死鸟, 文多多AIPPT:智能AI快速生成演示文稿,仅需提供核心主题,1分钟内完成PPT创作!

2024-11-26, @CGTV-Nature, Lahu people showcase Bingdao tea at Beijing expo

2024-11-25, @Apple 新闻, Apple reveals 45 app and game finalists for the 2024 App Store Awards

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#4

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, New Zealanders help save about 30 stranded pilot whales

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, Over 15,000 people affected by rain-related disasters in Sri Lanka

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, Panda bliss: The cozy lives of giant pandas at Chongqing Zoo

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, How bamboo helps restore ecosystems in Kenya

2024-11-25, @不死鸟, 哔哔播放器:B站音乐下载工具

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, Three North China leopards spotted in NW China

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, Next Stop: 'Mushroom cottages' surrounded by cascading rice terraces

2024-11-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/47

2024-11-25, @张洪Heo, Mac中磁盘没有被推出,因为一个或多个程序可能正在使用它解决方法

2024-11-25, @CGTV-Nature, Storm Bert brings widespread flooding in Britain

2024-11-25, @潮流周刊, 第201期 - 山里木屋

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#2

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#3

2024-11-23, @CGTV-Nature, China renews alerts for cold waves, strong winds

2024-11-23, @书伴, 为什么 2024 款 Signature 版 Kindle Paperwhite 史上最佳

2024-11-23, @CGTV-Nature, COP29 climate summit overruns

2024-11-22, @CGTV-Nature, Australian study warns older animals in decline globally

2024-11-22, @HiFeng'Blog, Debian 12 / Ubuntu 24.04 安装 Docker 以及 Docker Compose 教程

2024-11-22, @CGTV-Nature, Nations strive for climate funding consensus as COP29 deadline nears

2024-11-22, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 326 期):世界没有那么多财富

2024-11-21, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 439 - Async/Await Is Real And Can Hurt You

2024-11-21, @Apple 新闻, Billie Eilish is Apple Music’s Artist of the Year for 2024

2024-11-21, @CGTV-Nature, K-pop CD waste draws fire as South Korea hosts plastic waste talks

2024-11-21, @CGTV-Nature, Over 1,000 tonnes supergiant gold deposit discovered in central China

2024-11-21, @不死鸟, 趣闲赚App

2024-11-21, @不死鸟, 手机大流量卡

2024-11-21, @书格, 藕香零拾

2024-11-21, @CGTV-Nature, Draft deal at deadlocked UN talks offers two rival options

2024-11-21, @CGTV-Nature, Canada AI project hopes to help reverse mass insect extinction

2024-11-21, @CGTV-Nature, Why are COP29 climate finance talks dragging on?

2024-11-20, @Apple 新闻, Shazam hits 100 billion song recognitions

2024-11-20, @CGTV-Nature, Warm extremes undermine ecosystem carbon sequestration

2024-11-20, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 574

2024-11-19, @CGTV-Nature, Temperature Index launched to hedge against weather and climate risks

2024-11-19, @Apple 新闻, Apple shares the most popular podcasts of 2024

2024-11-19, @CGTV-Nature, 'Treasure' plant drives China-Peru cooperation to protect biodiversity

2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#1

2024-11-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/46

2024-11-18, @张洪Heo, 开机黑屏时间长,进系统显示器才亮?DP线开机黑屏进不去bios解决方法

2024-11-18, @潮流周刊, 第200期 - 云海日落

2024-11-17, @书格, 四景花卉图册

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 created a repository axhuoga2/-

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 created a branch main in axhuoga2/-

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3

2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1

2024-11-16, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1

2024-11-16, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 forked axhuoga2/axhuoga1 from axhuoga1/axhuoga3

2024-11-16, @书伴, 为什么 Kindle Colorsoft 的屏幕底部会泛黄?

2024-11-15, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 325 期):VS Code 编辑器的下一站是 Zed?

2024-11-14, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 438 - Welcoming two new Rust GPU maintainers

2024-11-14, @书伴, 亚马逊 2024 款 Kindle Scribe 测评:改进批注,加点 AI

2024-11-14, @Apple 新闻, Apple debuts The Weeknd’s immersive music experience for Apple Vision Pro

2024-11-14, @书伴, 2024 款 Kindle 11 和 Kindle Paperwhite 6 上架京东自营

2024-11-14, @张洪Heo, 泰坦军团P2710R上手:便宜好用的高刷显示器

2024-11-13, @Apple 新闻, Final Cut Pro 11 begins a new chapter for video editing on Mac

2024-11-13, @Apple 新闻, Apple Arcade unwraps new games for the holiday season

2024-11-13, @书格, 卫生宝函

2024-11-13, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 573

2024-11-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple’s Find My enables sharing location of lost items with third parties

2024-11-11, @张洪Heo, 通过智能插座在HomeAssistant中实现电脑开关机控制,无需米家开机卡

2024-11-11, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/45

2024-11-11, @潮流周刊, 第199期 - 键盘鼠标

2024-11-10, @书格, 钦定物料价值则例

2024-11-09, @朽丘博, 24年十月上旬周记

2024-11-08, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 324 期):人类已知的最大质数

2024-11-07, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 437 - Feds: Critical Software Must Drop C/C++ by 2026 or Face Risk

2024-11-07, @不死鸟, Windows 应用软件下载

2024-11-06, @张洪Heo, 洪绘畅联发布!一个插件搞定内外网切换,根据环境自动切换最佳Url或者IP地址

2024-11-06, @张洪Heo, 在中国大陆如何使用 AirPods Pro 2 检测听力,使用听力检测教程

2024-11-05, @张洪Heo, 闲鱼买年费会员靠谱吗:年轻人的第一次被诈骗

2024-11-04, @潮流周刊, 第198期 - 千层金树

2024-11-02, @张洪Heo, Word如何手动制作目录,手动生成自定义目录

2024-11-01, @Apple 新闻, Driving the game forward: iPad teams up with college football

2024-11-01, @张洪Heo, ChatGPT对话搜索网络功能上手:能代替搜索引擎吗?

2024-10-31, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 436 - A comparison of Rust's borrow checker to the one in C#

2024-10-31, @Apple 新闻, Apple reports fourth quarter results

2024-10-30, @Apple 新闻, New MacBook Pro features M4 family of chips and Apple Intelligence

2024-10-30, @Apple 新闻, Apple introduces M4 Pro and M4 Max

2024-10-30, @张洪Heo, HeoAwards2024:年度我喜欢的博主

2024-10-29, @Apple 新闻, Apple’s new Mac mini is more mighty, more mini, and built for Apple Intelligence

2024-10-29, @张洪Heo, 博客五周年记

2024-10-28, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/43

2024-10-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 103 期

2024-10-28, @潮流周刊, 第197期 - 喂流浪猫

2024-10-25, @朽丘博, 24年10月小结

2024-10-25, @Zeruns 's Blog, 雨云 宁波E5-2650v4独服测评,48核64G 300兆 仅需588元/月,裸金属物理机

2024-10-24, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 435 - Rustls Outperforms OpenSSL and BoringSSL

2024-10-25, @Zeruns 's Blog, 雨云 宁波裸金属物理机E5-2680v4测评,56核64G 500兆 仅需788元/月,独服

2024-10-23, @Zeruns 's Blog, 【随手拍】2024年拍的一些火烧云/晚霞/日落/日出照片,分享给大家看看

2024-10-21, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/42

2024-10-21, @潮流周刊, 第196期 - 新显示器

2024-10-17, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 434 - When should I use String vs &str?

2024-10-14, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/41

2024-10-14, @潮流周刊, 第195期 - BELLOCO

2024-10-12, @朽丘博, 废话校园日常

2024-10-10, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 433 - Rust (the language) is rolling off the Volvo assembly line

2024-10-10, @Zeruns 's Blog, 分享一个免费的SSL证书申请/续签和自动部署的网站,免费通配符域名证书

2024-10-07, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/40

2024-10-06, @Zeruns 's Blog, 《提问的智慧》——强烈建议看看

2024-10-04, @Zeruns 's Blog, Linux搭建邮件服务器的教程,如何搭建自己的域名邮箱服务器?Poste.io邮箱服务器搭建教程

2024-10-04, @Zeruns 's Blog, 皓量云擎 宁波 E5-2667v4 云服务器性能测评,2核4G 5M仅需34.5元/月,超融合平台

2024-10-03, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 432 - Google's Shift to Rust Programming Cuts Android Memory Vulnerabilities by 52%

2024-10-03, @朽丘博, LEDCDN小说明

2024-10-01, @朽丘博, 国庆快乐&学校游记

2024-10-01, @Zeruns 's Blog, AkileCloud 英国大带宽VPS测评,1核1G 500兆 仅需19.99元/月,免备案服务器,英国原生IP

2024-09-30, @Zeruns 's Blog, 我博客网站又遭受CC攻击了,记录一下

2024-09-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/39

2024-09-29, @知乎, 为什么即时战略游戏越来越落寞?

2024-09-28, @朽丘博, GoEdge快速上手使用

2024-09-27, @知乎, 游戏的系列作品,下一作应该如何削弱前作中玩家已经养成的“战神”级角色?

2024-09-27, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 102 期

2024-09-26, @知乎, 游戏《冰汽时代2》中的“暖券”是什么?在现实中有类似的通货么?

2024-09-25, @知乎, 已经掌握独立建造第三代核电站的技术的国家有哪些?

2024-09-25, @知乎, Reverse-o1:OpenAI o1原理逆向工程图解

2024-09-24, @Zeruns 's Blog, 野草云 香港BGP大带宽VPS测评,2核4G 100兆 仅需36元/月,免备案服务器,IPv4/v6双栈网络

2024-09-24, @知乎, 你一直坚持热爱的事情是什么?坚持了多久?

2024-09-24, @知乎, 中国制造能否诞生「奢侈品」?

2024-09-24, @知乎, 独立游戏在中国 插曲:手游版号办理完全攻略

2024-09-24, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏?它到底好不好玩?

2024-09-23, @知乎, 如何评价游戏《废土3》?

2024-09-23, @知乎, 有人可以把《战锤2:全面战争》的背景故事和人物关系讲清楚吗?

2024-09-23, @知乎, OpenAI o1 self-play RL 技术路线推演

2024-09-23, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/38

2024-09-23, @潮流周刊, 第194期 - 暮色落霞

2024-09-22, @朽丘博, GoEdgeCDN懒人一键安装

2024-09-20, @朽丘博, 24年9月小结

2024-09-20, @知乎, 给独立游戏制作人的进阶建议

2024-09-20, @知乎, 黑神话悟空:斗罢艰险,能否出发?

2024-09-19, @知乎, 方励为拍摄《里斯本丸沉没》「砸锅卖铁」是否值得?这部电影会产生多大影响?

2024-09-19, @知乎, 各自精彩——《无敌号》原著与游戏情节对比

2024-09-17, @朽丘博, 性价比及便宜VPS|云服务器推荐

2024-09-16, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/37

2024-09-15, @知乎, 大众对攀岩运动有哪些误解?

2024-09-14, @极客日报, 京东宣布加薪:两年时间实现20薪;苹果AI使iPhone16全系8GB内存;AI教母李飞飞从英伟达等融资2.3亿美元| 极客头条

2024-09-12, @知乎, 清华计算机入学教育之“关于如何做科研的一些个人经验”

2024-09-12, @极客日报, 机构预计iPhone 16出货量超前代,Max机型或占35%;黄仁勋称产品供不应求:东西都卖光了,每天只睡三个小时 | 极客头条

2024-09-11, @极客日报, 曝华为三折叠Mate XT被炒到38万元一台,已卖5台;马斯克嘲讽苹果iPhone无新意 | 极客头条

2024-09-11, @知乎, 在战锤世界中,四邪神是通过什么方法蛊惑忠诚派星际战士入坑的?

2024-09-10, @朽丘博, 最近欣赏的一些影视作品

2024-09-10, @极客日报, 罗永浩回应“锤子手机10亿融资被1年花完”质疑;华为鸿蒙超越苹果iOS,成中国市场第二大操作系统 | 极客头条

2024-09-09, @知乎, 如何欣赏《黑神话:悟空》中极其精致的铠甲披挂,它符合中国历史上的真实甲胄设计吗?

2024-09-09, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/36

2024-09-09, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》讲了一个什么故事?

2024-09-09, @知乎, 2024 知乎创作者盐沙龙·成都站活动回顾

2024-09-09, @极客日报, 获利超70万元,快手开除泄密员工;华为三折叠手机预约人数破200万;马斯克回应特斯拉要与x.AI分享收入 | 极客头条

2024-09-09, @潮流周刊, 第193期 - 猫的陪伴

2024-09-06, @极客日报, 特斯拉辟谣马斯克1.5亿美元北京买房;阿里云通义千问GitHub页面404后已恢复;大模型算法岗平均月薪超6.75万 |极客头条

2024-09-05, @朽丘博, 醍醐灌顶

2024-09-05, @知乎, 【长文】24.8~京都大学数据科学/东京大学情报理工CS/东京大学复杂理工~合格经验

2024-09-05, @极客日报, 淘宝将全面接入微信支付;苹果陷接班人危机,库克挽留多位资深高管;Vue 3.5正式版发布 | 极客头条

2024-09-05, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》的战斗设计?

2024-09-04, @知乎, 英超20队转会开局总结 黑马一黑到底 切尔西打游戏 曼联信错一人

2024-09-04, @极客日报, 中国苹果税全球最高引争议;董明珠:招大学生年人均成本20万;英伟达遭美国调查,市值一夜蒸发2790亿美元 | 极客头条

2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?

2024-09-02, @知乎, 网友发现《黑神话:悟空》误将钢筋扫描至游戏中,如何评价游戏场景实景扫描这样的做法?是怎么办到的?

2024-09-02, @HiFeng'Blog, IPv4 & IPv6 双栈家庭局域网内将客户端网关指向旁路由的探究

2024-09-02, @知乎, 中国有哪些现存的宏伟至极的古建筑?

2024-09-02, @极客日报, 国产GPU独角兽回应解散传闻;​哪吒汽车员工称被违法解除劳动合同;传英特尔将剥离资产削减成本 | 极客头条

2024-09-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/35

2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?

2024-09-02, @潮流周刊, 第192期 - 青皮橘子

2024-09-01, @朽丘博, 来日方长

2024-09-01, @朽丘博, MiniCover封面设计

2024-08-30, @知乎, 为什欧洲各国联赛球队都希望参加欧冠联赛?

2024-08-30, @知乎, 有哪些天生自带鲜味的食材?

2024-08-30, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》里都有哪些山西古迹?

2024-08-29, @极客日报, 苹果罕见裁员,服务部门据传解雇百人;OpenAI接近以逾千亿美元估值进行新一轮融资 | 极客头条

2024-08-29, @知乎, 一些数字国画博主质疑《黑神话:悟空》的游戏内壁画是AI生成的,实际上这些美术作品的创作难度有多大?

2024-08-28, @知乎, 敢问路在何方——浅谈黑神话悟空的关卡设计

2024-08-28, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的隐藏剧情和彩蛋,你发现了多少?

2024-08-28, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》第五回「日落红尘」?在难度、剧情、地图和战斗设计方面有哪些值得聊聊?

2024-08-28, @极客日报, 消息称字节成立“大模型研究院”,知情人士回应;小米“无按键”旗舰手机被曝2025年亮相,代号“朱雀” | 极客头条

2024-08-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 101 期

2024-08-27, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》都有哪些隐藏道具、Boss、剧情、地图?

2024-08-27, @知乎, 哪些国货小家电精准地满足了你的「特定」小需求?

2024-08-27, @知乎, AI在家电领域有哪些应用,哪些是有实用价值的?中国家电品牌应该如何融入AI时代?

2024-08-27, @极客日报, 苹果宣布9月10日举行发布会;华为余承东:问界新M7 Pro卖一辆亏近3万元;Steam一夜遭28万次攻击 | 极客头条

2024-08-26, @知乎, 抑郁症少年说「当面对老师的批评,没有人站在我的身后,非常痛苦」,与孩子「站在一起」这件事有多重要?

2024-08-26, @知乎, 目前来看,智能家居的「理想态」是什么?中国品牌在智能家居上有了哪些突破和可能性?

2024-08-26, @知乎, 全合成的意义是什么?

2024-08-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/34

2024-08-26, @极客日报, 传IBM中国收回研发岗位员工访问权限涉千余人;微软软件工程师工资曝光,AI部门平均269万元远超其他部门 | 极客头条

2024-08-26, @朽丘博, 24年8月小结

2024-08-25, @朽丘博, 再一次的讲解使用CDN

2024-08-23, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的「观音禅院」有原型吗?它是哪个朝代的建筑风格?

2024-08-23, @极客日报, 雷军回应小米卖一辆车亏6万多;360儿童手表出现错误问答,周鸿祎致歉;苹果被曝四个字符可致iPhone崩溃 | 极客头条

2024-08-23, @朽丘博, 博客魔改笔记记录

2024-08-23, @知乎, 现在的食品科技相较于古代如此发达,那腐乳和方便面调料哪个更鲜?

2024-08-22, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》的地图设计是否属于给美术设计让路的太严重了?

2024-08-21, @知乎, 乌尔善:以新技术探索中国电影工业化之路

2024-08-21, @极客日报, 《黑神话:悟空》爆火后,游戏科学员工疯狂被挖;OpenAI将向企业开放GPT-4o模型定制版;淘特客服回应接入微信支付|极客头条

2024-08-19, @知乎, 去客厅化是否等同于多功能客厅,在现代空间设计中,如何赋予空间 N 种可能?

2024-08-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/33

2024-08-19, @极客日报, 百度李彦宏建议年轻人不用非得学AI专业;华为推出5本软件工程教材;谷歌回应要求评测博主「必须给好评」 | 极客头条

2024-08-18, @朽丘博, 最近半个月的报告

2024-08-16, @知乎, 电影类型拓荒者乌尔善 一直在勇于试错的路上

2024-08-16, @知乎, 侠盗猎车手(GTA)5通关后,还能怎么玩,或者说还有哪些有趣的事情可以做?

2024-08-15, @知乎, 我有一个绝妙的游戏点子,怎样才能把它做出来?——独立游戏可行性概念篇

2024-08-15, @极客日报, 腾讯回应「苹果税」争议:正与苹果商谈小游戏收入分成;GitHub遭遇大规模宕机后已恢复;华为启动2025届应届生招聘| 极客头条

2024-08-14, @知乎, 创业一年,人间三年

2024-08-14, @知乎, 你好!新同学|2024 开学季活动正式启动🔥

2024-08-14, @知乎, 从零开始制作一个属于你自己的GPU | 基于FPGA的图形加速器实现原理

2024-08-14, @极客日报, 黑客声称窃取海量腾讯数据,高达14亿条记录、500GB;美国司法部考虑推动分拆谷歌;Go 1.23版本正式发布 | 极客头条

2024-08-13, @极客日报, 腾讯回应微信自动清理3天未读消息;微软Copilot AI被指可被黑客操纵;Ubuntu将使用最新内核版本 | 极客头条

2024-08-12, @知乎, 本届奥运会上有没有人完成,足以吊打一个时代的成就?

2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/32

2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/31

2024-08-12, @极客日报, 郑州富士康小时工时薪涨至26元;90后银行程序员黄雪梅奥运大众马拉松女子第一;谷歌开发乒乓球机器人 | 极客头条

2024-08-09, @知乎, 幼儿园放假,想带孩子练习跳绳,但总是学不会,有什么简单易懂的指导吗?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 运动员在备战奥运赛事的日常训练中,有哪些意想不到的新科技加持呢?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 奥运乒乓球决赛,为什么莫雷加德的衣服干爽而樊振东却大汗满身?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 看起来高难度的奥运项目是如何成为大众日常运动项目的?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 樊振东 0-2 落后选择更换球衣,随后找回状态完成大逆转,更换球衣从战术和心理层面有多大影响?

2024-08-06, @知乎, 游戏《上古卷轴5》称得上为「神作」吗?

2024-08-05, @朽丘博, 博客为什么大批倒闭跑路

2024-08-04, @朽丘博, 开源GoEdge系统投毒事件

2024-08-01, @朽丘博, 饿殍体验后感

2024-07-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/30

2024-07-27, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上使用 dae(大鹅) 搭建透明代理

2024-07-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 100 期

2024-07-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/29

2024-07-17, @朽丘博, 24年7月小结

2024-07-16, @HiFeng'Blog, 玩客云盒子(OneCloud)刷 Armbian 系统

2024-07-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/28

2024-07-14, @朽丘博, 上班&更新时间调整

2024-07-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/27

2024-07-08, @朽丘博, 必看?我被恐吓和博客一些事

2024-07-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/26

2024-06-29, @朽丘博, MC服务器开服全解-特保姆

2024-06-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 99 期

2024-06-27, @朽丘博, Minecraft-搭建Hypixel加速IP

2024-06-24, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/25

2024-06-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/24

2024-06-13, @朽丘博, 利用CDN和CF实现全球加速

2024-06-10, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/23

2024-06-03, @朽丘博, 搭建好用聊天系统附加APP

2024-06-03, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/22

2024-05-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 98 期

2024-05-27, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/21

2024-05-27, @朽丘博, 搭建MineBBS同款

2024-05-22, @朽丘博, 利用服务器搭建QQ机器人

2024-05-20, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/20

2024-05-13, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/19

2024-05-12, @朽丘博, 使用CDN后如何保护源站不泄露

2024-05-06, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/18

2024-05-04, @朽丘博, 一键安装脚本为CentOS 7 添加Swap交换分区

2024-05-03, @HiFeng'Blog, 斐讯 N1 盒子刷 Armbian 系统

2024-04-29, @朽丘博, 如何在Linux中禁用IPv6

2024-04-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/17

2024-04-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 97 期

2024-04-26, @HiFeng'Blog, Juicity 协议手动安装教程

2024-04-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/16

2024-04-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/15

2024-04-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/14

2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 使用 CloudFlare 源服务器证书时提示 issuer certificate not found 问题

2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 通过 Jekyll 在 GitHub Pages 上搭建博客系统

2024-04-05, @朽丘博, 使用cdnfly自建CDN

2024-04-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/13

2024-03-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 96 期

2024-03-26, @朽丘博, 最简单搭建MC服务器

2024-03-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/12

2024-03-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/11

2024-03-11, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/10

2024-03-09, @朽丘博, 搭建皮肤站并实现外置登录

2024-03-04, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/9

2024-03-03, @HiFeng'Blog, DartNode 无限流量 vps 注册申请教程

2024-02-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 95 期

2024-02-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/8

2024-02-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/7

2024-02-17, @朽丘博, 春节那些事

2024-02-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/6

2024-02-05, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/5

2024-01-31, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上搭建基于 Hysteria2 协议的透明代理

2024-01-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/4

2024-01-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 94 期

2024-01-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/3

2024-01-15, @朽丘博, 论如何快速了解建站

2024-01-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/2

2024-01-09, @朽丘博, Hello World

2024-01-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/1

2024-01-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 52/2023


2023-12-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 93 期

2023-12-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 51/2023

2023-12-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 50/2023

2023-12-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 49/2023