

2024-09-11, @36氪, 红利股持续走低,长江电力跌近5%

2024-09-11, @36氪, 超2600万人次,深圳湾口岸出入境人员超2023年全年总量

2024-09-11, @36氪, 美国银行策略师预计日元兑美元汇率将重拾跌势,年底前料跌破150

2024-09-11, @36氪, 机构:预计2024年中国折叠屏手机市场出货量约1068万台,同比增长52.4%

2024-09-11, @36氪, 被问宁德时代宜春锂矿厂是否有停产,业内人士回复“停了”

2024-09-11, @36氪, 滴滴包车全国上线

2024-09-11, @36氪, 国资委副主任谭作钧:聚焦人工智能等九大领域,系统谋划重大工程

2024-09-11, @36氪, 奔驰展示全新固态电池,美国电动车增速放缓 | 海外日报

2024-09-11, @36氪, 一个月内两度上调三氯蔗糖价格,金禾实业回应

2024-09-11, @36氪, 机构:全球智能手机市场二季度销量同比增长6%

2024-09-11, @36氪, 2024秋季搜狐视频播主大会定档9月22日

2024-09-11, @36氪, 机构:全球电视出货量在第二季度同比增长3%

2024-09-11, @36氪, 沪指跌幅扩大至1%,继续刷新阶段新低

2024-09-11, @36氪, 银行股震荡下挫,苏州银行跌超4%

2024-09-11, @36氪, 无印良品股价跌至一个月低点,因在中国销售下滑

2024-09-11, @36氪, 欧盟对华电动汽车加征关税,西班牙首相:正在重新考虑其在该问题上立场

2024-09-11, @36氪, 本田在中国裁员并暂停三座工厂的生产

2024-09-11, @36氪, 融创、龙光拟启动境内债务重组计划

2024-09-11, @36氪, 中秋档预售总票房(含点映)破4000万元

2024-09-11, @36氪, 银河证券:看好化工行业结构性机会

2024-09-11, @36氪, “医工融合”成热词:创收关键在于“有用”而非“能做” | 最前线

2024-09-11, @36氪, 欧洲电动车,陷入死循环

2024-09-11, @36氪, 消费电子的命,全靠首款AI iPhone?|氪金 · 硬科技

2024-09-11, @36氪, 荣耀CEO赵明:如果5年前折叠屏就是Magic V3的样子,市场早就爆了

2024-09-11, @36氪, 特朗普带火的安克创新,上半年赚了8个亿 | 焦点分析

2024-09-11, @36氪, 让机器人尝试“踢足球”,「加速进化」完成新一轮亿元融资丨36氪首发

2024-09-11, @36氪, 「丈八网安」获5000万元人民币B轮融资,将用于网络仿真技术研发丨36氪首发

2024-09-11, @36氪, 8点1氪丨人大审议延迟退休年龄决定草案;华为三折叠屏手机售价19999起;丰巢靠滞留金三年半营收8个亿

2024-09-11, @36氪, 打造VR交互场景,「千丘智能」开发自闭症数字疗法 | 早期项目

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [Synology] 最近上海电信用 Synology Drive Client 正常吗?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享发现] 如何设置 Directory Opus 的初始目录?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] 一个统计小数据让你有效率的在 v2 摸鱼

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [旅行] 一嗨租车打着异地换车免费的宣传,结果价格全涨到每日的租车费中了,真坑

2024-09-11, @博客园, 关于 Splay 树 - Elaina_0

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 关于批量稳定采集拼多多商品和商铺数据的技术实现途径方案请教!

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] [效率神器] 解锁海外视频下载神器!让分享变得更简单!

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] 我正在开发一个独特的像素社区,目前编辑器功能已经完善,听取各位长辈意见

2024-09-11, @博客园, Nuxt Kit 的使用指南:模块创建与管理 - Amd794

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 谷歌搜索 get-docker.sh 第一个结果并不是 docker 官方的,貌似会执行恶意代码

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] 苹果有没有接收 sweetbaby 的付费咨询?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 被机动车撞了,如何拿到更多赔偿

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Apple’s iPhone 16 Meets Tough Competition From Huawei’s High-Tech Tri-Fold Phone

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [游戏] 黑神话悟空,天命人能否打上灵山。

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] 电子消费品中限制特殊频率有意义吗?当初 WiFi 的疤又不痛了?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [投资] 几年 A 股的一点感悟

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] 开发了一个图片分割的网站

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] iPhone15pro 和 16pro 怎么选

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 二手苹果哪个值得买? 看完 v2er 的帖子后 我突然也想每年买一台二手苹果了

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] 我的读英语名著网站更新小程序版本了,欢迎大佬体验

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [JavaScript] postcss-px-to-viewport-8-plugin 能设置多个配置吗

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [Apple] iPhone 16 Pro Max 的摄像头,到底是不是 IMX903 呀?

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, As Pope arrives in Singapore, all eyes are on China

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享发现] 全职做自由职业独立开发者是一种什么体验?我的全职独立开发半年体验分享

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [Next.js] Nextjs,本地运行没问题,部署到服务器会发生这种奇怪的问题(初学者)

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Top Foreign-Policy Moments From the Harris-Trump Debate

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [JavaScript] 如何设置 prettier 在不超过 printWidth 长度也能换行

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [奇思妙想] 问下懂硬件的老哥

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] AI 写的 AI 带逛的个人主页

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 终于有钱了, 想从 安卓生态 全家桶 转为 apple ,请教下大家

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [教育] 我最近发现中国大城市的教育质量反而不如 20 多年前我自己读书时候!

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [宽带症候群] 关于 sing-box 的规则问题咨询下大家, dns 和 route 规则为什么不同步?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] 关于日版 iPhone 16 系列的一些总结

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 你讨厌环境配置吗?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 同居期间女朋友上厕所反锁门

2024-09-11, @知乎, 在战锤世界中,四邪神是通过什么方法蛊惑忠诚派星际战士入坑的?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 自定义协议的 magic number 超过 8 字节,如何在大小端系统正确解释

2024-09-11, @博客园, Go runtime 调度器精讲(一):Go 程序初始化 - 胡云Troy

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [程序员] 求助, 获取 udemy 资源高性价比方案

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [GitHub] github 对 markdown 中 img align="right" 渲染异常,目前还未解决

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] 想到一条每年仅需 1000 块钱,就可以年年换新二手 Pro Max 的方案

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] EPYC 多开服务器问题请教

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 有没有不粘桌子的鼠标垫推荐?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [分享创造] 做了一个 AI 工具网站 主要电商模块

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 各大电商平台优惠信息怎么玩

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [职场话题] 远程工作大家如何做时间管理

2024-09-11, @少数派, App+1 | 如何用 AI 辅助快速生成概念示意图

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [硬件] 请教自建服务器运行芯片开发类 EDA 软件需要一个什么样的配置

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [iPhone] 港版 iPhone 16 的大语言模型供应商会是哪家

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [问与答] 求个便宜好用的机场,目前用的涨价了

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [酷工作] 交易所--远程岗位新开需求,全部岗位都可以远程(技术,产品,运营,商务, HR,市场)

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [宽带症候群] 在广东电信主页发现了云宽带升级,有人当个白老鼠吗?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [生活] 丰巢靠快递柜滞留金三年半营收 8 个亿(附 永久取消丰巢入柜 指南)

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [求职] 求前端兼职, 行业经验丰富, 希望能够长期合作

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [程序员] 有什么工具可以方便收录 ChatGPT/Claude 的对话信息?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [Windows] 为了测试一个程序,需要在虚拟机中安装 W2Ksp3.exe ,用软件转换成了 iso,提示无法识别系统,这个需要怎么操作才能在虚拟机中成功安装呢?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [程序员] 需求:每天需要自动网页上传文件,用哪个方案好?

2024-09-11, @V2EX, [Apple] 今年准备去香港自提了,有什么要注意的吗?

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Trump addresses climate change by returning to tariffs

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Harris’ COVID dig at Trump accidentally reinvigorates virus orgin truthers

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Harris says Trump 'sold us out on China': Highlights from the presidential debate on trade and tariffs

2024-09-11, @博客园, .NET 6.0 + WPF 使用 Prism 框架实现导航 - 小码编匠

2024-09-11, @开源中国资讯, AMD 宣布统一 GPU 架构为 UDNA

2024-09-11, @博客园, Qt 中实现异步散列器 - 梦起丶

2024-09-11, @博客园, 日志与追踪的完美融合:OpenTelemetry MDC 实践指南 - crossoverJie

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Harris Says Trump ‘Sold Us Out’ to China, Hits Out at Xi

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Kamala Harris' policy plans and platform on key issues for the 2024 election

2024-09-11, @开源中国资讯, openKylin 社区生态委员会第八次会议圆满召开

2024-09-11, @CN@Flipboard, Fact-Checking Claims Made in Trump-Harris Debate

2024-09-11, @博客园, 牛逼!在Vue3.5中仅仅2分钟就能封装一个自动cancel的fetch函数 - 前端欧阳

2024-09-11, @少数派, 派早报:联通 App 电话小程序开启预约、《我的世界》将推出 PS5 原生版本等

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Biden-Harris Admin Ships Auto Jobs to China

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Modi's Top Rival Gandhi Denounces 'Ideological War' In India

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Let Us Quickly Review How Trump Did At The Last Presidential Debate

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Raygun is the top ranked breaker in the world? The sport's governing body explains

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Woman Quit Her Job After Gaining 45 Pounds From ‘Overworking’—Her Transformation Is Going Viral

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Breakdancer ‘Raygun’ Now Ranks #1 Worldwide, Despite Olympics Controversy

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Radar detects invisible space bubbles over pyramids of Giza with power to impact satellites

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Fuel shortages and bare pharmacies: we need to talk about what a possible war with China could look like

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, The scary new map of the South China Sea

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese Diplomat Spotted in NYC after Hochul Requests His Expulsion

2024-09-10, @博客园, Redis 入门 - 五大基础类型及其指令学习 - IT规划师

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Archaeologists Discover Nearly 150 Tombs Spanning Thousands Of Years Under A Zoo In China

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Mom ordered an infant-sized Frog and Toad shirt from China. When it arrived, she ‘just screamed.’

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Trump Flat-Out Ignores Question About Fighting Climate Change

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, India’s Pivot: China Not As A Foe, But As A Potential Partner For Development Of Supply Chain – Analysis

2024-09-10, @博客园, 剖析 Redis List 消息队列的三种消费线程模型 - 勇哥编程游记

2024-09-10, @博客园, 痞子衡嵌入式:在MDK开发环境下自定义安装与切换不同编译器版本的方法 - 痞子衡

2024-09-10, @博客园, 代码整洁之道--读书笔记(7) - 畅知

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese chipmaker teases “world-leading” performance of next-gen 7nm CPU — 3B6600 rocks eight LA864 cores clocked at 3 GHz

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Kishore Mahbubani on the US-China rivalry, Asian security risks, and more

2024-09-10, @博客园, 使用VSCode搭建UniApp + TS + Vue3 + Vite项目 - 牛初九

2024-09-10, @博客园, 为什么Java已经不推荐使用Stack了? - seven97_top

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Harris-Walz hit with blistering ad on China record ahead of presidential debate: 'Time to fight back'

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, 'The Legend of Silk Manuscripts' launched in Beijing

2024-09-10, @博客园, 以太坊Rollup方案之 arbitrum(1) - bighu

2024-09-10, @博客园, Java实现英语作文单词扫盲程序 - admin_tai

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Sweden appoints Maria Malmer Stenergard as foreign minister

2024-09-10, @博客园, 常回家看看之house_of_kiwi - CH13hh

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, Study finds methane rising faster than other greenhouse gases

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Japan's ruling coalition party chief Yamaguchi announces departure

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China urges developed nations to ease debt burden on African countries

2024-09-10, @小众软件, 【限时 7 折】MarginNote 4 – Mac 全能型的深度阅读学习复习工具,助你学业进步

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China's top legislature starts standing committee session

2024-09-10, @博客园, 模型中到底什么决定了效果 - caoeryingzi

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, 开源日报 | 通用端到端OCR模型开源;Cassandra 5.0正式GA;NGINX迁移到GitHub;iPhone 16全系列配备8GB RAM;国产数据库100%替代走到哪了?

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, China: Canton Tower struck by lightning in dramatic scene in China

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, New firmoss species with potential to treat Alzheimer's discovered

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, New firmoss species with potential to treat Alzheimer's discovered

2024-09-10, @博客园, Qml 实现瀑布流布局 - 梦起丶

2024-09-10, @博客园, C++:使自定义类支持迭代器 - SXWisON

2024-09-10, @博客园, 前端使用 Konva 实现可视化设计器(22)- 绘制图形(矩形、直线、折线) - xachary

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Watch: YangWang hypercar jumps in the air and rotates on the spot

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, NGINX 项目迁移到 GitHub

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, China plans to build moon base at the lunar south pole by 2035

2024-09-10, @少数派, 社区速递 061 | 你没见过的社区文章、一周最热评、派友拍的《黑神话》

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, 完整的数仓能力,字节云原生开源数仓 ByConity 1.0 版本发布!

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, SpaceX launches all-civilian crew for first private spacewalk

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, China, Norway issue joint statement on green transition

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China, Norway issue joint statement on green transition

2024-09-10, @小众软件, Keyviz 汉化版 – 在屏幕上显示当前按键与鼠标点击操作[跨平台]

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, More university museums in China open their door to public

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Redox OS 0.9.0 版本发布:开源操作系统迎来重大更新

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, 当《黑神话:悟空》遇上 openKylin,国产力量的极致碰撞!

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Sheng'an Temple draws pilgrims to Yueyang hilltop since Tang Dynasty

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Creative photography adds more fun to moon-gazing tradition

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, Sudan, Chad hit by flooding; Lesotho impacted by drought

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Sudan, Chad hit by flooding; Lesotho impacted by drought

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Experiencing Beijing Central Axis on special subway train

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Four centuries of legacy: Shenyang Palace Museum's timeless beauty

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, First-ever public exhibition of Qinshihuang Mausoleum artifacts opens

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, CMG to host grand gala celebrating the annual holiday

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, PublicCMS 202406.e 更新,新增字体加密敏感词替换等

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Race to the Future: Travel is My Attitude

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, 49ers begin new NFL season by crashing Jets at Levi's Stadium

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, USTA CEO Lewis Sherr speaks highly of CMG's broadcasting of U.S. Open

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, USTA CEO Lewis Sherr speaks highly of CMG's broadcasting of U.S. Open

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, China mulls national park law

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China mulls national park law

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, AI and ambition: Thriving in China's dynamic tech industry

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, AI and ambition: Thriving in China's dynamic tech industry

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Rodrygo stresses Neymar's importance to Brazil in winning World Cup

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, China, Latin American countries speed up human rights cooperation

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China, Latin American countries speed up human rights cooperation

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Engineering excellence: Navigating China's technological advancements

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Engineering excellence: Navigating China's technological advancements

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Preparing for tomorrow: Skills in China's competitive job market

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Preparing for tomorrow: Skills in China's competitive job market

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Vincent Collet leaves France coach position, becomes advisor in FFBB

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Driving innovation: Opportunities in China's automobile industry

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Driving innovation: Opportunities in China's automobile industry

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, AI innovation in China: Opportunities beyond boundaries

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, AI innovation in China: Opportunities beyond boundaries

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Harry Kane wants to match Cristiano Ronaldo in career longevity

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Zambian President on global benefits of China-Africa Partnership

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Zambian President on global benefits of China-Africa Partnership

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, China's coach vows to bounce back against Saudi Arabia at home

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China's coach vows to bounce back against Saudi Arabia at home

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Chinese paddlers start WTT Champions Macao with victories

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Chinese paddlers start WTT Champions Macao with victories

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, China's online platforms named among Top EdTech companies on TIME list

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China's online platforms named among Top EdTech companies on TIME list

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, France rest Mbappe to start, beat Belgium 2-0 in UEFA Nations League

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Chart of the day: Key figures on Chinese teachers for Teachers' Day

2024-09-10, @小众软件, 桌面相册 – 将照片贴在 Mac 桌面上

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, WADA calls for 'root and branch' reforms of U.S. anti-doping system

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Xinference v0.15.0 版本飞跃:自定义模型能力再升级,重塑 AI 交互体验

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, UN likely to vote to end Israel's presence in Palestinian territory

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, European Commission to launch project addressing long COVID

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Report by China's top court shows strong backing for arbitration

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Xi Jinping's key quotes on respecting teachers, valuing education

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Graphics: Increasing old-age dependency ratio in China

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, China's foreign trade up 6 pct in first 8 months

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Apple Intelligence 将于下月起登陆 iPhone、iPad 与 Mac

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Apache Cassandra 5.0 正式 GA,带来向量搜索、JDK 17 支持、存储附加索引等功能

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Typhoon Yagi leaves 63 dead, 40 missing in Vietnam

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Apple 推出 iPhone 16 系列新产品

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Chinese, U.S. military commanders hold video call

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, Chinese, U.S. military commanders hold video call

2024-09-10, @CN@Flipboard, Cheeky schoolboy draws 'eyes' onto eyelids - so he can sleep in class

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, Amid Brazil's worst drought, the Amazon falls to a record low level

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, Flooding kills more than 20 people in Morocco and Algeria

2024-09-10, @CGTV-Nature, WTO: Geopolitics, climate change, tech reshaping trade-led development

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, WTO: Geopolitics, climate change, tech reshaping trade-led development

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, CIFTIS 2024: Spotlight on new quality productive forces

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Russia says Ukrainian drone attack kills child in Moscow region

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, 域名证书检测平台 Domain Admin 加入 Dromara 开源社区

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, 首期!deepin 技术双周报上线,最新进展和未来双周计划

2024-09-10, @CGTV-China, President Xi Jinping extends Teachers' Day greetings

2024-09-10, @张洪Heo, 聊一聊Apple新品:iPhone16、Apple Watch S10、AirPods深度解析

2024-09-10, @极客日报, 罗永浩回应“锤子手机10亿融资被1年花完”质疑;华为鸿蒙超越苹果iOS,成中国市场第二大操作系统 | 极客头条

2024-09-10, @开源中国资讯, Java 的 AI 大模型开发及编排框架,Agents-Flex beta.10 发布

2024-09-10, @CGTV-World, Graphics: China-Latin America cooperation benefits the people

2024-09-10, @少数派, 派早报:Apple 发布多款新品,Thread 更新 1.4 版规范等

2024-09-10, @少数派, 新配色,新亮点:iPhone 16 Pro 快速上手体验

2024-09-09, @CGTV-World, Gaza civil defense says 40 killed in attack on humanitarian zone

2024-09-10, @少数派, 一图流 | 一张图带你看完 iPhone 16 发布会

2024-09-10, @少数派, 新按钮、新配色,还有这些意外惊喜……Apple 发布会看点回顾

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple debuts iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple introduces iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Introducing Apple Watch Series 10

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple Intelligence comes to iPhone, iPad, and Mac starting next month

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple Watch Ultra 2 now available in black titanium

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple introduces AirPods 4 and a hearing health experience with AirPods Pro 2

2024-09-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple introduces groundbreaking health features

2024-09-09, @CGTV-China, Illuminating the Lone Star

2024-09-09, @CGTV-China, Race to the Future: A True Legend

2024-09-09, @开源中国资讯, 透视表支持自定义聚合公式,新增字体管理功能,DataEase 开源 BI 工具 v2.10 LTS 版本发布

2024-09-09, @CGTV-Nature, China's tropical island Hainan recovering from super typhoon strike

2024-09-09, @CGTV-China, China's tropical island Hainan recovering from super typhoon strike

2024-09-09, @CGTV-World, Tariffs tend to hit the poor harder, WTO says

2024-09-09, @CGTV-World, Chinese premier holds talks with Spanish prime minister

2024-09-09, @CGTV-China, Chinese premier holds talks with Spanish prime minister

2024-09-09, @开源中国资讯, 开源日报 | AI被连续否定30次;Java“上位”;开源模型之王翻车;A18芯片采用Arm最新架构;鸿蒙系统“飞天”;IBM曾经是伟大的企业

2024-09-09, @少数派, 派评 | 近期值得关注的 App

2024-09-09, @张洪Heo, HTTPSOK上手:省心的通配符SSL证书申请,自动化部署证书

2024-09-09, @知乎, 如何欣赏《黑神话:悟空》中极其精致的铠甲披挂,它符合中国历史上的真实甲胄设计吗?

2024-09-09, @开源中国资讯, 《家里有个程序员》征集启事

2024-09-09, @开源中国资讯, 基于事件驱动的邀约自动化机制

2024-09-09, @开源中国资讯, 截至 2023 年底我国已有 60 余款生成式 AI 服务完成备案

2024-09-09, @少数派, 又逢开学季,又到读书时:这些文章帮你找好书、好读书

2024-09-09, @小众软件, IPTV检测工具 – 检测 m3u8 可用性,测速后输出可播放的链接

2024-09-09, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/36

2024-09-09, @少数派, 使用 Ansible 管理 Linux 系统的配置文件

2024-09-09, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》讲了一个什么故事?

2024-09-09, @知乎, 2024 知乎创作者盐沙龙·成都站活动回顾

2024-09-09, @极客日报, 获利超70万元,快手开除泄密员工;华为三折叠手机预约人数破200万;马斯克回应特斯拉要与x.AI分享收入 | 极客头条

2024-09-09, @潮流周刊, 第193期 - 猫的陪伴

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez arrives in Beijing

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez arrives in Beijing

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Collection of Xi's articles on education published

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Xi Jinping signs order on military environmental protection rules

2024-09-08, @CGTV-Nature, China mobilizes emergency responses as impacts of Typhoon Yagi persist

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, WHO calls on international efforts to support Sudan's health system

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Iran urges preventing recurrence of Israeli 'war crimes' in West Bank

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Israel emergency service says 3 shot dead at West Bank crossing

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, 2024 Paralimpics closing ceremony to feature "the biggest dance floor"

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Coach on USA's historic home loss to Canada: Right mentality lacking

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Chinese swimmers end 2024 Paralympics with a haul of success

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Chinese swimmers end 2024 Paralympics with a haul of success

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Jiang, Di to carry Chinese flag at 2024 Paralympics closing ceremony

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Jiang, Di to carry Chinese flag at 2024 Paralympics closing ceremony

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Rice, Grealish help England beat Ireland among home crowd boos

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Aussie duo Purcell and Thompson win U.S. Open men's doubles title

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Aryna Sabalenka beats Jessica Pegula to win U.S. Open women's title

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, New iPhone will use Arm's chip technology for AI, FT reports

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China makes significant headway in cybersecurity

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, China-Latin America human rights roundtable to be held in Brazil

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China-Latin America human rights roundtable to be held in Brazil

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, China displeased with Netherlands' expanded chip export restrictions

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China displeased with Netherlands' expanded chip export restrictions

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, China, East Africa to deepen security, law enforcement cooperation

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China, East Africa to deepen security, law enforcement cooperation

2024-09-08, @小众软件, 文颜 – 使用 Markdown 书写、排版,一键复制文章到微信公众号、知乎、今日头条、掘金[macOS]

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Chinese vice president visits Mongolia, vows to expand cooperation

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, Chinese vice president visits Mongolia, vows to expand cooperation

2024-09-08, @CGTV-World, Venezuelan presidential opposition candidate seeks asylum in Spain

2024-09-08, @CGTV-Nature, China allocates disaster relief funds to flood, typhoon-hit regions

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China allocates disaster relief funds to flood, typhoon-hit regions

2024-09-08, @CGTV-Nature, Bolivia declares national emergency due to forest fires

2024-09-08, @CGTV-China, China has enormous innovation capacity to spur growth: experts

2024-09-07, @CGTV-World, Israeli strikes kill 27 in Gaza; Turkish-American shot in West Bank

2024-09-07, @CGTV-China, White Dew: A time for mellow tea and autumn’s fragrance

2024-09-07, @小众软件, 中英状态实时显示 – 光标处实时显示输入法中英状态[Windows] 

2024-09-06, @CGTV-Nature, Where Nature Meets Culture: From black sand to exquisite pottery

2024-09-06, @书格, 分类合璧图像句解君臣故事

2024-09-06, @极客日报, 特斯拉辟谣马斯克1.5亿美元北京买房;阿里云通义千问GitHub页面404后已恢复;大模型算法岗平均月薪超6.75万 |极客头条

2024-09-06, @FreebufWeb, 微软RDL远程代码执行超高危漏洞(CVE-2024-38077)漏洞检测排查方式

2024-09-06, @CGTV-Nature, Super Typhoon Yagi makes landfall in south China, 570,000 relocated

2024-09-06, @FreebufWeb, GL-iNet 路由器 CVE-2024-39226 漏洞分析

2024-09-06, @CGTV-Nature, China sends task forces to guide typhoon response in Guangdong, Hainan

2024-09-06, @小众软件, 致球迷:足球经理2024 限免|可以错过昨晚的比赛,但别错过这款游戏

2024-09-06, @书伴, Kindle 应用将于 2024 年 11 月 15 日移除“生词卡”功能

2024-09-06, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 316 期):你一生的故事

2024-09-05, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 428 - Asahi Lina: "Some determined to make lives of Rust devs difficult as possible"

2024-09-05, @Apple 新闻, Eight games join Apple Arcade, including Balatro+ and NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition

2024-09-05, @小众软件, Open and Shut – 这个项目过于抽象,以至于我觉得很符合大家的气质…

2024-09-05, @小众软件, Adobe CC 中国摄影计划 ,最后 11 个,售完即止,不再拥有

2024-09-05, @张洪Heo, Mac关闭耳机线控,关闭键盘的媒体控制,线控启动Apple Music功能

2024-09-05, @知乎, 【长文】24.8~京都大学数据科学/东京大学情报理工CS/东京大学复杂理工~合格经验

2024-09-05, @极客日报, 淘宝将全面接入微信支付;苹果陷接班人危机,库克挽留多位资深高管;Vue 3.5正式版发布 | 极客头条

2024-09-05, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》的战斗设计?

2024-09-05, @FreebufWeb, 0day的产生 | 文件读取深度利用

2024-09-05, @张洪Heo, 极影相机上手:让iPhone也能拍徕卡,免费的胶片滤镜

2024-09-04, @CGTV-Nature, China's Hainan suspends ferry services as typhoon Yagi nears

2024-09-04, @CGTV-Nature, Heavy monsoon rains and floods kill at least 33 in south India

2024-09-04, @CGTV-Nature, Authorities warn of likely early start to Australian bushfire season

2024-09-04, @CGTV-Nature, Sustainable wheels: How China is driving Rwanda's electric transport

2024-09-04, @FreebufWeb, 通过杀软 avast 及 no-defender 工具分析 Windows 防护机制

2024-09-04, @小众软件, 【新】PowerToys 工作区:一键启动一组程序,并恢复窗口位置

2024-09-04, @知乎, 英超20队转会开局总结 黑马一黑到底 切尔西打游戏 曼联信错一人

2024-09-04, @极客日报, 中国苹果税全球最高引争议;董明珠:招大学生年人均成本20万;英伟达遭美国调查,市值一夜蒸发2790亿美元 | 极客头条

2024-09-04, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 563

2024-09-04, @CGTV-Nature, Where Nature Meets Culture: From fruit peel to medicinal ingredient

2024-09-03, @CGTV-Nature, Three Chinese sites listed as world geological heritages by IUGS

2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?

2024-09-02, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] Book SQLTA+PDF-XSS-File_Read+TRP00F 自动化权限提升+logrotate条件竞争权限提升

2024-09-02, @知乎, 网友发现《黑神话:悟空》误将钢筋扫描至游戏中,如何评价游戏场景实景扫描这样的做法?是怎么办到的?

2024-09-02, @CGTV-Nature, Ecological monitoring boosts conservation in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

2024-09-02, @HiFeng'Blog, IPv4 & IPv6 双栈家庭局域网内将客户端网关指向旁路由的探究

2024-09-02, @CGTV-Nature, Giant pandas in Chongqing chill out on ice to beat the heat

2024-09-02, @知乎, 中国有哪些现存的宏伟至极的古建筑?

2024-09-02, @极客日报, 国产GPU独角兽回应解散传闻;​哪吒汽车员工称被违法解除劳动合同;传英特尔将剥离资产削减成本 | 极客头条

2024-09-02, @CGTV-Nature, Artificial nests protect birds, power grids in NW China's Sanjiangyuan

2024-09-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/35

2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?

2024-09-02, @CGTV-Nature, Death toll from Sudan floods rises to 173

2024-09-02, @潮流周刊, 第192期 - 青皮橘子

2024-09-01, @CGTV-Nature, China achieves steady progress in agricultural green development

2024-09-01, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] Bitlab 标签自动填充登录+GitLab+Docker横向+Postgresql+逆向工程

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, Seminar on endangered species for developing countries begins

2024-08-31, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Easy] Safe BOF+ROP链+.data节区注入BOF+函数跳转BOF+KeePass密码管理器密码破译

2024-08-31, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Easy] LaCasaDePapel vsftpd 2.3.4 backdoor+CA证书+LFI+SSH私钥登录+nodejs-ini文件命令注入权限提升

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, Greece confronts severe water crisis due to heat, tourism

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, 2024 Cafe Show China: Bringing African coffee aromas to locals

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, Beloved giant pandas in Japan to return to China in September

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, China reports significant progress on water ecology protection

2024-08-31, @CGTV-Nature, Typhoon Shanshan drenches Japan, prompting landslide and flood alerts

2024-08-30, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Insane] Bankrobber XSS-MDOG+SQLI+XSRF+Local-RCE+Bankv2转账模拟应用缓冲区溢出

2024-08-30, @知乎, 为什欧洲各国联赛球队都希望参加欧冠联赛?

2024-08-30, @知乎, 有哪些天生自带鲜味的食材?

2024-08-30, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》里都有哪些山西古迹?

2024-08-30, @张洪Heo, 感冒了怎么办?流鼻涕、鼻炎纸巾推荐:洁柔乳霜纸

2024-08-30, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Hard] Conceal SNMP配置不当PSK泄露+IPSec-IKE+IPSec-VPN+ftp匿名访问-Webshell上传+JuicyPotato权限提升CLSID

2024-08-30, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 315 期):一份谷歌离职报告

2024-08-29, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 427 - Why am I writing a Rust compiler in C?

2024-08-29, @Apple 新闻, Apple Sports is ready for football season

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, Monsoon floods tear through a village in Yemen, killing 13

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, People in Brazil's Amazon are choking on smoke from wildfires

2024-08-29, @张洪Heo, 飞书妙记上手:采访会议语音转文本工具,免费的语音视频转srt字幕

2024-08-29, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] Silo Oracle DB读写执行文件+Oracle DB SID枚举+Oracle DB 用户密码枚举+内存取证+Hash传递攻击

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, Study finds climate change fueled deadly Typhoon Gaemi

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, Japan issues emergency warning as Typhoon Shanshan nears

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, Millions evacuated as typhoon slams Japan's Kyushu, halting flights

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, S. Korea climate goals found 'unconstitutional' in youth-led court case

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, 3 dead as Typhoon Shanshan hits Japan

2024-08-29, @张洪Heo, 智谱清言上手:文本生成强大,支持AI视频和AI画图

2024-08-29, @FreebufWeb, Hadoop大数据平台安全防护

2024-08-29, @极客日报, 苹果罕见裁员,服务部门据传解雇百人;OpenAI接近以逾千亿美元估值进行新一轮融资 | 极客头条

2024-08-29, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] SecNotes XSRF跨站请求伪造+SMB-Webshell上传+Linux子系统命令历史记录泄露权限提升

2024-08-29, @知乎, 一些数字国画博主质疑《黑神话:悟空》的游戏内壁画是AI生成的,实际上这些美术作品的创作难度有多大?

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, NASA study: 2023 Canadian fires emitted more carbon than many nations

2024-08-29, @CGTV-Nature, Western Chinese cities sizzle under prolonged top-level heat alerts

2024-08-28, @知乎, 敢问路在何方——浅谈黑神话悟空的关卡设计

2024-08-28, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的隐藏剧情和彩蛋,你发现了多少?

2024-08-28, @张洪Heo, 在Mac上实现视频语音文本转srt字幕,如何搭建Funclip的AI剪辑

2024-08-28, @FreebufWeb, 蓝队面试,进阶

2024-08-28, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] Fuse smb+printer打印机配置泄露+SeLoadDriverPrivilege权限提升

2024-08-28, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 562

2024-08-28, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》第五回「日落红尘」?在难度、剧情、地图和战斗设计方面有哪些值得聊聊?

2024-08-28, @极客日报, 消息称字节成立“大模型研究院”,知情人士回应;小米“无按键”旗舰手机被曝2025年亮相,代号“朱雀” | 极客头条

2024-08-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 101 期

2024-08-27, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》都有哪些隐藏道具、Boss、剧情、地图?

2024-08-27, @知乎, 哪些国货小家电精准地满足了你的「特定」小需求?

2024-08-27, @知乎, AI在家电领域有哪些应用,哪些是有实用价值的?中国家电品牌应该如何融入AI时代?

2024-08-27, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Medium] Chatterbox AChat 缓冲区溢出 + MSF自动进程迁移+ icacls权限修改

2024-08-27, @极客日报, 苹果宣布9月10日举行发布会;华为余承东:问界新M7 Pro卖一辆亏近3万元;Steam一夜遭28万次攻击 | 极客头条

2024-08-27, @CGTV-Nature, UN chief issues 'SOS' for Pacific Islands worst hit by warming ocean

2024-08-26, @书格, 群仙图册

2024-08-26, @Apple 新闻, Apple announces Chief Financial Officer transition

2024-08-26, @CGTV-Nature, Dogs are more than meets the eye

2024-08-26, @知乎, 抑郁症少年说「当面对老师的批评,没有人站在我的身后,非常痛苦」,与孩子「站在一起」这件事有多重要?

2024-08-26, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Easy] BoardLight Dolibarr17.0.0-RCE+Enlightenment v0.25.3权限提升

2024-08-26, @知乎, 目前来看,智能家居的「理想态」是什么?中国品牌在智能家居上有了哪些突破和可能性?

2024-08-26, @CGTV-Nature, Tropical Storm Hector forms in eastern Pacific, U.S. agency says

2024-08-26, @FreebufWeb, 【JS逆向百例】酷某音乐 wasm 逆向

2024-08-26, @FreebufWeb, [Meachines] [Easy] Remote NFS备份文件泄露+Umbraco-RCE+TeamViewer权限提升

2024-08-26, @知乎, 全合成的意义是什么?

2024-08-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/34

2024-08-26, @极客日报, 传IBM中国收回研发岗位员工访问权限涉千余人;微软软件工程师工资曝光,AI部门平均269万元远超其他部门 | 极客头条

2024-08-26, @潮流周刊, 第191期 - 一绿山墙

2024-08-25, @FreebufWeb, 国产web框架Solon

2024-08-25, @CGTV-Nature, Wildfires rage in sugarcane fields in Brazil's southeast

2024-08-25, @CGTV-Nature, Wildfires and snow - California endures a summer of extremes

2024-08-24, @书格, 鼎镌京本全像西游记

2024-08-24, @CGTV-Nature, 18 killed in unprecedented floods in Bangladesh

2024-08-23, @CGTV-Nature, Hilarious! Check out giant panda He Ye's human-like antics

2024-08-23, @书伴, [2024.08.23] Kindle 阅读器固件升级至 5.16.21

2024-08-23, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的「观音禅院」有原型吗?它是哪个朝代的建筑风格?

2024-08-23, @书伴, 彩色电纸书已不鲜见,为何亚马逊还不推出彩色 Kindle?

2024-08-23, @CGTV-Nature, Bound by the brew: AI-generated video hail China-African tea ties

2024-08-23, @极客日报, 雷军回应小米卖一辆车亏6万多;360儿童手表出现错误问答,周鸿祎致歉;苹果被曝四个字符可致iPhone崩溃 | 极客头条

2024-08-23, @知乎, 现在的食品科技相较于古代如此发达,那腐乳和方便面调料哪个更鲜?

2024-08-23, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 314 期):《黑神话:悟空》可以产业化吗?

2024-08-22, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 426 - FreeBSD considers Rust in the base system

2024-08-22, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》的地图设计是否属于给美术设计让路的太严重了?

2024-08-21, @CGTV-Nature, India to spend $300 million to mitigate floods in big cities

2024-08-21, @Apple 新闻, Apple and 4-H are bringing technology to a new generation of learners

2024-08-21, @CGTV-Nature, Danxia landform: A natural art gallery of colorful rock formations

2024-08-21, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 561

2024-08-21, @知乎, 乌尔善:以新技术探索中国电影工业化之路

2024-08-21, @极客日报, 《黑神话:悟空》爆火后,游戏科学员工疯狂被挖;OpenAI将向企业开放GPT-4o模型定制版;淘特客服回应接入微信支付|极客头条

2024-08-20, @书格, 列仙酒牌

2024-08-19, @Apple 新闻, Apple celebrates America’s national parks

2024-08-19, @Apple 新闻, College students head to campus with Mac and iPad

2024-08-19, @知乎, 去客厅化是否等同于多功能客厅,在现代空间设计中,如何赋予空间 N 种可能?

2024-08-19, @张洪Heo, Mac如何查看移动硬盘盒温度?查看SSD固态硬盘工作温度教程

2024-08-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/33

2024-08-19, @极客日报, 百度李彦宏建议年轻人不用非得学AI专业;华为推出5本软件工程教材;谷歌回应要求评测博主「必须给好评」 | 极客头条

2024-08-19, @潮流周刊, 第190期 - 螃蟹螃蟹

2024-08-17, @书格, 钟馗出猎图卷

2024-08-16, @知乎, 电影类型拓荒者乌尔善 一直在勇于试错的路上

2024-08-16, @知乎, 侠盗猎车手(GTA)5通关后,还能怎么玩,或者说还有哪些有趣的事情可以做?

2024-08-16, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 313 期):如果新加坡没有空调

2024-08-15, @书格, 群经宫室图

2024-08-15, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 425 - Rust Project goals for 2024

2024-08-15, @Apple 新闻, Driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet are coming soon to California

2024-08-15, @Apple 新闻, Apple Card named best in customer satisfaction by J.D. Power

2024-08-15, @知乎, 我有一个绝妙的游戏点子,怎样才能把它做出来?——独立游戏可行性概念篇

2024-08-15, @极客日报, 腾讯回应「苹果税」争议:正与苹果商谈小游戏收入分成;GitHub遭遇大规模宕机后已恢复;华为启动2025届应届生招聘| 极客头条

2024-08-14, @Apple 新闻, Developers can soon offer in-app NFC transactions using the Secure Element

2024-08-14, @知乎, 创业一年,人间三年

2024-08-14, @知乎, 你好!新同学|2024 开学季活动正式启动🔥

2024-08-14, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 560

2024-08-14, @知乎, 从零开始制作一个属于你自己的GPU | 基于FPGA的图形加速器实现原理

2024-08-14, @极客日报, 黑客声称窃取海量腾讯数据,高达14亿条记录、500GB;美国司法部考虑推动分拆谷歌;Go 1.23版本正式发布 | 极客头条

2024-08-13, @极客日报, 腾讯回应微信自动清理3天未读消息;微软Copilot AI被指可被黑客操纵;Ubuntu将使用最新内核版本 | 极客头条

2024-08-12, @知乎, 本届奥运会上有没有人完成,足以吊打一个时代的成就?

2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/32

2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/31

2024-08-12, @极客日报, 郑州富士康小时工时薪涨至26元;90后银行程序员黄雪梅奥运大众马拉松女子第一;谷歌开发乒乓球机器人 | 极客头条

2024-08-12, @潮流周刊, 第189期 - 无印良品

2024-08-09, @书格, 乞巧图卷

2024-08-09, @知乎, 幼儿园放假,想带孩子练习跳绳,但总是学不会,有什么简单易懂的指导吗?

2024-08-09, @极客日报, 百度首位AI架构师上岗;苹果高级AI功能月费或高达20美元 | 极客头条

2024-08-09, @书格, 元包经传

2024-08-09, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 312 期):从英特尔看"美国制造"

2024-08-08, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 424 - Open-Source AMD GPU Implementation Of CUDA "ZLUDA" Has Been Rolled Back

2024-08-08, @知乎, 运动员在备战奥运赛事的日常训练中,有哪些意想不到的新科技加持呢?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 奥运乒乓球决赛,为什么莫雷加德的衣服干爽而樊振东却大汗满身?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 看起来高难度的奥运项目是如何成为大众日常运动项目的?

2024-08-08, @知乎, 樊振东 0-2 落后选择更换球衣,随后找回状态完成大逆转,更换球衣从战术和心理层面有多大影响?

2024-08-08, @极客日报, 腾讯回应文件传输助手隐私问题;人人影视创始人梁良致歉并出售设备;Google Chrome将允许用户打赏其喜欢的网站| 极客头条

2024-08-07, @Apple 新闻, Apple, Major League Baseball announce September “Friday Night Baseball” schedule

2024-08-07, @极客日报, 腾讯校招范围扩大;曝苹果就“佣金漏洞”向腾讯、字节施压;Flutter 3.24 和 Dart 3.5 发布 | 极客头条

2024-08-06, @Apple 新闻, Apple Arcade launches three new games in September, including NFL Retro Bowl ’25

2024-08-06, @张洪Heo, 在Mac上使用CosyVoice教程:人声克隆,跨语种复刻、AITTS文本转语音

2024-08-06, @知乎, 游戏《上古卷轴5》称得上为「神作」吗?

2024-08-06, @知乎, 「回归性原理:交界地就是地球村!」——论《艾尔登法环》中的现实原型(新大陆篇)

2024-08-05, @知乎, 马拉松职业运动员一场比赛平均心率这么高是怎么顶下全程的?

2024-08-05, @张洪Heo, Apple Watch 查找设备没有设备,提示:未找到可定位的Apple设备解决方法

2024-08-05, @知乎, 看樊振东夺冠比赛,在为他喊加油的同时,我有一个疑问,是外国运动员不出汗,还是中国队的衣服不吸汗?

2024-08-05, @知乎, 看起来高难度的奥运项目是如何成为大众日常运动项目的?

2024-08-05, @书格, 夏山欲雨图卷

2024-08-05, @张洪Heo, Mac电脑插入移动硬盘机械硬盘就卡顿?是硬盘休眠惹的祸,解决M1硬盘休眠问题

2024-08-05, @潮流周刊, 第188期 - 水墨蓝天

2024-08-02, @知乎, 有网友巴黎奥运会赛前发文「中国游泳主要问题是有氧能力被废了」从运动训练角度看,他说的有道理吗?

2024-08-02, @知乎, 传统服饰中有哪些特别的设计,在如今看来依旧非常潮?

2024-08-02, @知乎, 2024 年巴黎奥运会各国代表团都穿什么牌子的入场服?你觉得哪个代表团的服装最好看?

2024-08-02, @知乎, 如果第一届奥运会的选手穿越到今天,会对会场上哪些科技感到震撼?

2024-08-02, @知乎, 患「僵人综合征」的席琳·迪翁再次亮相奥运会开幕式,如何评价她的表演?这种疾病可以被治愈吗?

2024-08-02, @张洪Heo, 储蓄卡还会到期?学校学费卡到期,我在银行被硬控2小时

2024-08-02, @张洪Heo, 私有部署问卷系统卷王surveyking搭建教程,腾讯问卷问卷星平替

2024-08-02, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 311 期):低利率与长期项目

2024-08-01, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 423 - Translating All C to Rust (TRACTOR)

2024-08-01, @Apple 新闻, Apple reports third quarter results

2024-08-01, @知乎, 为什么草莓这种水果一旦做成果汁或零食,味道闻起来没有那么清新?甚至有点臭臭的?

2024-07-31, @知乎, 数学教授教体育把 9 名校队选手送进巴黎奥运会,这是怎么做到的?数学对游泳的贡献能有多大?

2024-07-30, @知乎, 为什么不禁止ENF板材?

2024-07-30, @知乎, 2024 知乎创作者盐沙龙·上海站活动回顾

2024-07-29, @知乎, 关于巴黎,你有哪些值得聊聊的旅行记忆?

2024-07-29, @知乎, 2024 巴黎奥运会开幕式主火炬采用热气球点火腾空方案,有什么寓意?

2024-07-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/30

2024-07-29, @潮流周刊, 第187期 - 我想开了

2024-07-27, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上使用 dae(大鹅) 搭建透明代理

2024-07-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 100 期

2024-07-25, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 422 - Rust continues to be the most-admired programming language with an 83% score this year.

2024-07-25, @Apple 新闻, Leagues Cup returns to MLS Season Pass on Apple TV on July 26

2024-07-25, @知乎, 为什么《信长之野望16》有2206个武将,而《三国志14》才1000个武将?三国还没信野的一半!?

2024-07-24, @张洪Heo, 如何更改Mac上左上角的苹果图标样式,个性化自定义Mac美化菜单栏

2024-07-23, @书伴, [2024.07.23] Kindle 阅读器固件升级至

2024-07-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/29

2024-07-22, @潮流周刊, 第186期 - 青柠冷饮

2024-07-19, @知乎, 艾尔登法环DLC剧情解析:你不知道的黄金树之影(上)

2024-07-19, @知乎, 游戏 UI 谈话会

2024-07-18, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 421 - Rust for filesystems

2024-07-16, @HiFeng'Blog, 玩客云盒子(OneCloud)刷 Armbian 系统

2024-07-15, @张洪Heo, 百度图片AI工具上手:图片在线去水印、抠图、变清晰,很方便

2024-07-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/28

2024-07-15, @张洪Heo, 在Mac上使用微信输入法的最佳解决方案,避免错误切换到ABC输入法

2024-07-15, @潮流周刊, 第185期 - 光照之美

2024-07-11, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 420 - Bevy 0.14

2024-07-11, @张洪Heo, 宝塔如何单独给一个网站设置nginx缓存目录,延长和持久化图床缓存

2024-07-10, @张洪Heo, 如何查询大乱斗elo隐藏分?获取英雄联盟团队teamelo分数方法

2024-07-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/27

2024-07-08, @潮流周刊, 第184期 - mamala

2024-07-05, @张洪Heo, 使用Docker搭建Umami统计,显示近一年的pv、uv数据的API搭建

2024-07-04, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 419 - Ant Group open sources Mako, a front-end build tool, based on Rust.

2024-07-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/26

2024-07-01, @潮流周刊, 第183期 - 飞翔的鸟

2024-06-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 99 期

2024-06-27, @书伴, Kindle 为何如此耐用?亚马逊硬件测试工程师独家为你揭秘

2024-06-24, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/25

2024-06-24, @潮流周刊, 第182期 - 煎个牛排

2024-06-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/24

2024-06-10, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/23

2024-06-07, @书伴, Kindle Paperwhite 和入门版 Kindle 我应该买哪个?

2024-06-06, @书伴, 为何我会放弃 iPad mini 而换用 Kindle Paperwhite 阅读

2024-06-03, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/22

2024-05-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 98 期

2024-05-27, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/21

2024-05-20, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/20

2024-05-13, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/19

2024-05-06, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/18

2024-05-03, @HiFeng'Blog, 斐讯 N1 盒子刷 Armbian 系统

2024-04-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/17

2024-04-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 97 期

2024-04-26, @HiFeng'Blog, Juicity 协议手动安装教程

2024-04-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/16

2024-04-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/15

2024-04-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/14

2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 使用 CloudFlare 源服务器证书时提示 issuer certificate not found 问题

2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 通过 Jekyll 在 GitHub Pages 上搭建博客系统

2024-04-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/13

2024-03-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 96 期

2024-03-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/12

2024-03-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/11

2024-03-11, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/10

2024-03-04, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/9

2024-03-03, @HiFeng'Blog, DartNode 无限流量 vps 注册申请教程

2024-02-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 95 期

2024-02-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/8

2024-02-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/7

2024-02-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/6

2024-02-05, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/5

2024-01-31, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上搭建基于 Hysteria2 协议的透明代理

2024-01-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/4

2024-01-26, @HiFeng'Blog, 中兴 B860AV1.1-T 电视盒子刷 Armbian 操作系统

2024-01-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 94 期

2024-01-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/3

2024-01-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/2

2024-01-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/1

2024-01-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 52/2023


2023-12-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 93 期

2023-12-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 51/2023

2023-12-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 50/2023

2023-12-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 49/2023

2023-12-04, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 48/2023

2023-11-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 92 期

2023-11-27, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 47/2023

2023-11-20, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 46/2023

2023-11-13, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 45/2023

2023-11-06, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 44/2023

2023-10-30, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 43/2023

2023-10-27, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 91 期

2023-10-23, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 42/2023

2023-10-18, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)599

2023-10-11, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)598

2023-10-04, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)597

2023-09-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 90 期

2023-09-27, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)596

2023-09-20, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)595

2023-09-13, @蠎周刊, 蠎周刊(PyCoder)594