2025-01-06, @36氪, 兴业证券:手机国补正式落地,看好国内手机产业链
2025-01-06, @36氪, 华泰证券:春季行情仍有一定基础,但需把握交易节奏
2025-01-06, @36氪, 英国通信管理局:仍在审议亚马逊Kuiper卫星项目在英部署
2025-01-06, @36氪, 中金:预计2025年国内风电新增装机有望迎来历史新高
2025-01-06, @36氪, 三部门:到2029年,基本建成国家数据基础设施主体结构
2025-01-06, @36氪, 央行1月将在香港新增发行离岸人民币央行票据,预计发行规模远超过去单次最大发行规模
2025-01-06, @36氪, 日本三大海运公司计划到2030财年将液化天然气船队扩大40%以上
2025-01-06, @36氪, 天风证券:如何看待A股开年调整?
2025-01-06, @36氪, 两市融资余额减少176.61亿元
2025-01-06, @36氪, 中泰证券:当前时点可逢低布局低位央国企+硬科技产业链
2025-01-06, @36氪, 落实“长牙带刺”,塑造资本市场新生态
2025-01-06, @36氪, FOF选基放弃“主动”,大规模转向指数产品
2025-01-06, @36氪, 埃及财长:预计本月将收到国际货币基金组织的12亿美元资金
2025-01-06, @36氪, 中信建投:关注白电、黑电、两轮车领域的投资机会
2025-01-06, @36氪, 逾70家公司预告去年业绩
2025-01-06, @36氪, 龙光集团:已就有关境外债务整体重组方案条款与其若干境外债权人达成一致
2025-01-06, @36氪, 假日经济升温,激发消费市场新活力
2025-01-06, @36氪, AI成为“最靓的仔”,机构近一个月扎堆调研半导体行业
2025-01-06, @36氪, 医疗健康行业周报 |「纽邦生物」获数千万元B轮融资;孩子的“身高焦虑”支撑起百亿生长激素市场
2025-01-06, @36氪, 中信建投:CES 2025即将开幕,AI与端侧设备结合值得期待
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 三部门:有序推进 5G 网络向 5G-A 升级演进,全面推进 6G 网络技术研发创新
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 重大突破:我国在青藏高原新发现铜矿资源量 2000 余万吨,有望成为世界级基地
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 小米米家智能哑铃曝光:纯白机身设计,预计将支持智能运动检测
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 微软必应使出推广新法:用户搜寻谷歌时弹出类似风格搜索引擎页面
2025-01-06, @博客园, 探索Python @dataclass的内部原理 - wang_yb
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 从微软转战谷歌:硅芯片专家 Rehan Sheikh 宣布跳槽
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 意大利经销商提前上架华硕 AMD B850 / B840 主板,标价 207 欧元起
2025-01-06, @IT之家, OPPO Find X8 Ultra 手机有望推出“哈苏配色款”
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 定价 999 美元,Meta Quest Pro 旗舰头显现已全球停售
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 彭博社记者 Jason Schreier:预计今年 Xbox 全面转向跨平台,索尼 PS 也将跟进
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 消息称华纳游戏《哥谭骑士》将登陆任天堂 Switch 2 游戏机
2025-01-06, @CN@Flipboard, Adopt mainland building material standards in Hong Kong, industry suggests
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 哪吒汽车官网无法正常访问,显示“系统维护中”
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 代码显示三星正为旗下智能手表开发“指针模式”,用手势快捷控制家居设备
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 科技昨夜今晨 0106:央视曝光加油站作弊克扣加油量;智界 R7 百天大定破 5.8 万;极越车主通报维权最新进展...
2025-01-06, @博客园, 《深入理解Mybatis原理》MyBatis的sqlSession执行流程 - seven97_top
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 星纪魅族 Flyme Auto 2.0 版本车载软件系统今年 3 月发布
2025-01-06, @IT之家, 映众 RTX 5090 显卡“抢跑”:包装盒显示搭载 32GB GDDR7 显存
2025-01-06, @CN@Flipboard, Channel migrants: The real reason so many are fleeing Vietnam
2025-01-06, @博客园, 基于源码分析 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS 的实现原理 - iVictor
2025-01-06, @博客园, 将 EasySQLite 从 .NET 8 升级到 .NET 9 - 追逐时光者
2025-01-06, @潮流周刊, 第207期 - 水培红薯
2025-01-05, @IT之家, LG 旗下 M5 OLED 智能电视亮相 CES 2025:提供无线串流盒、可选 65/77/83/97 英寸
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 石头科技发布 Saros Z70 扫地机器人:配备机械臂,可自动把旧袜子放进篮子里
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 微软专利显示未来 Surface Laptop 触控板下将配扬声器:实现类线性马达振动效果、也可增强笔记本音场
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 国内单体最大山地风电场“新疆木垒 100 万千瓦风电项目”首次并网发电
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Goldman Sachs Weighs in on Tesla Stock Amid Rollercoaster Start to 2025
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, China restaurant uses academic levels instead of numbers for prices
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, How to Save All Your TikToks Before the January 2025 Ban
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 一加 13 手机 ColorOS 相册个性水印上线,支持搭配实况照片使用
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 贝尔金 CES 2025 多款苹果 iPhone 配件亮相:无线充电板、移动电源、耳机...
2025-01-05, @IT之家, Oukitel 发布多款三防手机:WP200 Pro 内置可拆卸带屏蓝牙耳机,WP100 Titan 内置 33000mAh 电池
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 追觅全球首创仿生多关节机械手技术正式亮相:支持自动拾物、隐藏收纳等操作
2025-01-05, @IT之家, espresso 15 Pro 便携屏亮相 CES 2025,搭 15.6 英寸 4K 60Hz 触控面板
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese robot vacuum cleaner company reveals model with an AI-powered arm
2025-01-05, @书格, 苏东坡诗集注
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, China fires shot across Trump’s bow with defense sanctions
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Edo Japan: Peace and Prosperity
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, U.S. is considering a ban on a Chinese-made internet router – that is probably already in your home
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Taiwan suspects China of latest attack on undersea cables
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, How Shen Yun tapped religious fervour to make $445 million
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Does made in Mexico mean made by China?
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Pope Francis is anti-Israel because he’s anti-Western civilization
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Trump's Return: Predictions And Paradoxes For 2025
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese nationals arrested with gold bars and $800,000 cash in DR Congo
2025-01-05, @博客园, 分析基于ASP.NET Core Kernel的gRPC服务在不同.NET版本的不同部署方式的不同线程池下的性能表现 - VAllen
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Ex-Mayor's Aide, Winnie Greco, Vanishes Amid Feds' Chinese Espionage Probe in NYC
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese Nvisen GX06 mini-PC channels the Apple Mac mini M4's sleek design — but this Windows 11 PC with Core i9-12900H and RTX 4050 seems expensive at $820
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Chinese automakers build their way around tariffs
2025-01-05, @博客园, Awesome-Text2GQL:图查询微调语料的自动生成框架 - Florian
2025-01-05, @博客园, Unity TheHeretic Gawain Demo 异教徒Demo技术学习 - HONT
2025-01-05, @博客园, Python学习(六)——配套《PyTorch深度学习实战》 - 江左子固
2025-01-05, @36氪, 智氪 | 川普交易2.0缘何遇冷?
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, 'Our country ignored Africa,' Jimmy Carter said. He didn't
2025-01-06, @不死鸟, 2025 年 1 月 每日分享
2025-01-05, @博客园, SQL优化——深分页&排序 - XinStar
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 从苹果 A7 到 A18 Pro 芯片:晶体管数量激增 19 倍,晶圆成本飙升 2.6 倍
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 比亚迪夏 MPV 上市发布会官宣 1 月 8 日水立方举行
2025-01-05, @不死鸟, GitHub打不开解决方案
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 网易武侠游戏《燕云十六声》将新增占地近三分之一的全新可探索区域,1 月 9 日开启移动端公测
2025-01-05, @博客园, 在 Development 环境下依赖注入的行为可能有所不同 - Agile.Zhou
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, China Is Ready to Take Advantage of Trump Trashing Clean Energy
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 三星推出第四代 QD-OLED 电视面板,峰值亮度超 4000 尼特
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 刷脸登录银行 App 现他人信息,银行回应称“网络抖动带来的极小概率事件”
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 美国实验室研发新型激光技术,有望大幅提升芯片制造效率
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 优必选工业人形机器人 Walker S1 预计 Q2 规模化交付,已进入比亚迪等汽车工厂实训
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 英菲克 IN6 青春版电竞鼠标开售:重约 58g、400mAh 电池,首发 89 元
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 三星 Galaxy S25 Plus / Ultra 手机蓝色版渲染图曝光:超窄边框,支持磁吸无线充电
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 新款长城哈弗 H7 SUV 官图公布,紫色车漆别具一格
2025-01-05, @博客园, JVM实战—11.OOM的原因和模拟以及案例 - 东阳马生架构
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 自主研制,我国最大直径双护盾硬岩掘进机始发
2025-01-05, @IT之家, “虹膜写真”热潮兴起:或致个人信息泄露,写真图可破解门锁
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 三星 Galaxy S25 Ultra / S24 Ultra 正面对比图曝光,新机更轻更薄
2025-01-05, @博客园, SpringBoot进阶教程(八十四)spring-retry - 请叫我头头哥
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, This Chinese electric hatch wants to take on the Mini Cooper
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, The Man Who Predicted Today’s World Over a Century Ago
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, World’s most advanced hypergravity lab redefines time and space
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 警惕“数字成瘾”:研究称长期沉迷社交媒体或导致大脑灰质减少
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 电影票价能否重回“19.9 元起”,《“骗骗”喜欢你》《火锅艺术家》“带头”调整结算价
2025-01-05, @博客园, Python绘制土地利用和土地覆盖类型图详解 - TechSynapse
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 新型锗基光电二极管问世,灵敏度提升 35%
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 创历史新高:韩国五大整车厂商 2024 年新能源汽车销量同比增长 11.1%,至 45 万辆
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 国内首台:全增材制造航空发动机完成压气机性能考核试验
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 2025 款东风风神皓瀚 SUV 上市,限时补贴兜底价 6.49 万元起
2025-01-05, @博客园, 最大权闭合图 - songszh
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 育碧深陷财务危机:股价一年暴跌 45%,或面临破产
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 江苏三峡青口盐场渔光互补“光伏复合”项目首批并网,满足 23 万户家庭全年用电需求
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, A Good Bargain | Kashi 100-Hour Challenge Episode 5
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 极氪超级电混 2025 年上海车展首发,吉利银河将推出 5 款全新新能源产品
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 微软推动 Win11 升级遇尴尬:Win10 提示弹窗出现崩溃问题
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, China adds hundreds of trains in latest railway network
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Hospitals in China overwhelmed by surge in HMPV patients raising concerns about a new epidemic
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 宫崎英高未直接参与开发《艾尔登法环:黑夜君临》,只参与了概念构思
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Climate action is not optional, it is imperative: United Nations
2025-01-05, @小众软件, 为什么要每日自拍?听到这三个理由,我心动了|SelfieStory 自拍照片转延时视频应用
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 零跑旗下 B 平台首款车型 B10 掀背车现身工信部:搭 56.2 千瓦时电池,CLTC 续航 510 公里
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Analysis | A different and more dangerous world awaits President-elect Trump
2025-01-05, @CGTV-World, South Korean protesters rally for, against Yoon's arrest
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 上市 100 天大定超 5.8 万台,华为余承东称鸿蒙智行智界 R7 超出预期成绩
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 安聪慧:吉利乘用车两大整车架构零部件通用化率 70% 以上,2026 年国内推出全新 Robotaxi 定制车
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 宫本茂早年求职趣闻:入职前任天堂就已为他的面试作品申请专利
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 吉利控股集团公布未来三年战略目标:2027 年实现整车销量超 500 万台
2025-01-05, @博客园, [.NET] 单位转换实践:深入解析 Units.NET - MadLongTom
2025-01-05, @IT之家, “AAA 游戏”标签遭质疑:开发者批评其失去意义,沦为利润工具
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, Satellites reveal Tesla's 'secret' about megafactory in China
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 《上古卷轴 5:天际》发售 13 年后,Mod 下载量突破 20 亿次
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 零跑 B01 轿车无伪装谍照曝光,B10 同款前脸设计
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 《宇宙机器人》成 2024 年游戏界最大赢家,共斩获 92 个年度游戏大奖
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 央视曝光加油站利用破解程序克扣用户汽车加油量,屏显 50 升油实际仅加 48.5 升
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 吉利“醇氢电混”全新车型年内上市,2027 年计划建成 4000 个甲醇加注站
2025-01-05, @IT之家, 小米 REDMI Turbo 4 手机维修备件价格公布:显示屏 450 元,电池 119 元
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Ice Terracotta Warriors welcome visitors in Harbin
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Minor Cold: Welcoming spring amid winter's chill
2025-01-05, @博客园, AI应用平台搭建之旅(上) - 框架篇(附:AICon大会阿里国际Agent应用平台分享) - Leepy
2025-01-05, @博客园, Verilog6_串行通信协议 - Mundane-_-
2025-01-05, @博客园, 【原创】浅谈EtherCAT主站EOE(下)-EtherCAT IgH主站EoE具体实现 - 沐多
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Guangdong come back to beat Shandong for second straight win
2025-01-05, @CGTV-World, Kei Nishikori makes Hong Kong Open final after Shang Juncheng retires
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Kei Nishikori makes Hong Kong Open final after Shang Juncheng retires
2025-01-05, @CGTV-World, Liu Mengting of China wins first freeski big air World Cup title
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Liu Mengting of China wins first freeski big air World Cup title
2025-01-05, @CGTV-World, USA beat Czech Republic to set up final against Poland in United Cup
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, 3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Financial Success The Week Of January 6 - 12, 2025
2025-01-05, @CGTV-World, Court dismisses Yoon's objection to execution of arrest warrant
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, 'A hard and fast reality': Trump warned he'll face an 'axis of resistance' in return
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, China's central bank outlines monetary priorities for 2025
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Mainland official stresses importance of promoting cross-Straits ties
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, Graphics: China, Namibia see sustainable cooperation in various fields
2025-01-05, @博客园, DVWA靶场Open HTTP Redirect (重定向) 漏洞所有级别通关教程及源码审计 - H轨迹H
2025-01-05, @博客园, 如何设计一个分布式配置中心? - 卷福同学
2025-01-05, @CGTV-China, In pics: Shaolin kung fu – nine section chain whip
2025-01-05, @CN@Flipboard, China’s Paper Boat Navy: A Colossus At Risk Of Capsizing – Analysis
2025-01-04, @CGTV-China, Over 1.36 million passenger trips under 'mini three links' in 2024
2025-01-04, @36氪, 茶饮集体出海,可能是2024最大的误会
2025-01-04, @36氪, B站2024年百大UP主榜单发布,透露出什么信息?
2025-01-04, @小众软件, Phocid – 为 Android 11+ 设计的开源本地音乐播放器。
2025-01-04, @36氪, 9点1氪丨胖东来公布员工结婚执行标准,不许靠父母积蓄买房买车;5元出让早高峰地铁座位的男子已被行拘;微信灰度测试语音消息倍速播放
2025-01-04, @CN@Flipboard, Antarctica: Construction of China's Qinling Station in Antarctica underway despite challenges
2025-01-04, @少数派, FM3.14 | 这 21 张唱片是我 2024 年发现的宝藏
2025-01-04, @朽丘博, 再见2024,你好2025
2025-01-03, @书格, 东坡乐府
2025-01-03, @36氪, 高阶智驾分水岭,芯片大时代来临:黑芝麻智能释出新武器
2025-01-03, @36氪, 氪星晚报 |腾讯2024年“注销式回购”1120亿港元,总股本降至十年最低;飞猪推出“定制巴士次卡”,服务学生、务工人员一站式返乡;“星海图”发布R1系列仿人形通用机器人新品
2025-01-03, @36氪, 智氪丨低点涨幅40%,2024年A股重回亚洲前五
2025-01-03, @36氪, 创投铁幕终于落下
2025-01-03, @36氪, 80后父亲为儿子打造全球首个AI学校
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China to boost aviation safety following recent foreign incidents
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Inmate takes staff hostage at French prison, sources say
2025-01-03, @Apple 新闻, Apple Fitness+ unveils an exciting lineup of new ways to stay active in 2025
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, What happens next after S. Korean investigators fail to arrest Yoon?
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Xi congratulates Kavelashvili on assuming presidency of Georgia
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Xi congratulates Kavelashvili on assuming presidency of Georgia
2025-01-03, @少数派, 装了啥特别篇:少数派编辑部的 2024 年度工具之选
2025-01-03, @少数派, 本周看什么 | 最近值得一看的 9 部作品
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China says will continue promoting Asia-Pacific free trade under RCEP
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, China Africa in 2025: scaling new heights
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China Africa in 2025: scaling new heights
2025-01-03, @小众软件, Fileso 内购终身会员限免:多功能文件管理、预览与编辑应用[iOS]
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Chinese New Year atmosphere grows stronger ahead of celebrations
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Liuzhou's river snail rice noodle a culinary sensation
2025-01-03, @小众软件, CameraFileCopy – 开发者一定是个天才,不用网络,用空气传输文件[Android]
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, French FM in Damascus calls for 'sovereign, stable and peaceful' Syria
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, The Necessities | Kashi 100-Hour Challenge: Episode 4
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Wang Yi to visit Namibia, the Republic of the Congo, Chad and Nigeria
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Wang Yi to visit Namibia, the Republic of the Congo, Chad and Nigeria
2025-01-03, @少数派, 本地大模型之路(二):了解模型能力与性能需求,让硬件选购恰到好处
2025-01-03, @Zeruns 's Blog, 林枫云 宁波 5950X 云服务器性能测评,4核8G 10M仅需88元/月
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Global conservation efforts revive lost species
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, When old houses meet modern design
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, South Korea to hold first hearings on Yoon's impeachment trial Jan. 14
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Taiwan authorities slammed for hurting cross-Straits media exchanges
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Jilin Northeast Tigers beat Ningbo Rockets to end 4-game losing streak
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Dumfries' double fires Inter to Super Cup final with win over Atalanta
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, China's Shang Juncheng advances to quarterfinals at ATP Hong Kong Open
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China's Shang Juncheng advances to quarterfinals at ATP Hong Kong Open
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Djokovic, Sabalenka reach Brisbane quarterfinals, China's Yuan Yue out
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Live updates: South Korea investigators halt attempt to arrest Yoon
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, S. Korean investigators leave Yoon's residence after arrest failure
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, South Korea investigators say attempt to arrest president halted
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Holiday travel boom ignites China's economic vibrancy
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, China and Japan: From tense ties to a new era of diplomacy
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China and Japan: From tense ties to a new era of diplomacy
2025-01-03, @CGTV-Nature, China sees warmest year on record in 2024
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, China sees warmest year on record in 2024
2025-01-03, @少数派, 不用内耗的个人时间管理,我的 2024 实践小结
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Iran marks 5th anniversary of top commander Soleimani's assassination
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, Asia News Wrap: Arrest warrant issued against Yoon Seok-yeol, and more
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Premier Li calls for ensuring good start to 2025 economic development
2025-01-03, @CGTV-World, S. Korean military officials indicted in martial law probe
2025-01-03, @CGTV-Nature, Beijing achieves record-breaking 290 days of good air quality in 2024
2025-01-03, @CGTV-China, Beijing achieves record-breaking 290 days of good air quality in 2024
2025-01-03, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 332 期):西蒙·威利森的年终总结,梁文锋的访谈
2025-01-03, @少数派, 派早报:火狐 Firefox 浏览器推出 Orbit AI 助手、百度网页版推出 AI 搜功能等
2025-01-02, @CGTV-World, S. Korean investigators confront soldiers to arrest Yoon
2025-01-02, @CGTV-World, South Korean investigators moving to detain impeached President Yoon
2025-01-02, @CGTV-World, S. Korean investigators launch attempt to arrest Yoon
2025-01-02, @CGTV-World, U.S. homelessness hits historic high in 2024
2025-01-02, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 445 - Bottles will be rewritten in Rust and libcosmic
2025-01-02, @书伴, 2025 Kindle 越狱教程:不限 Kindle 型号,不限固件版本
2025-01-02, @少数派, 2024 年只玩过一款新游戏,但我对「玩家」身份有了新认识
2025-01-02, @少数派, 新栏目试读 | OmniFocus 的效率之旅,从用好收件箱开始
2025-01-02, @少数派, 在自动化的路口望一眼:考虑智能家居前,你需要注意哪些事?
2025-01-02, @小众软件, 2024 年,我最常用的 8 款小众软件
2025-01-02, @少数派, 坦桑尼亚游记(上):在国家公园见证《动物世界》
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, President Xi's New Year address boosts confidence, inspires efforts
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, 2 officers shot and wounded in New Orleans 'terrorist attack:' police
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, ROK interim leader refuses to accept presidential aides' resignations
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China's railway trips expected to hit 11.5 million on New Year's Day
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, 10 dead, 30 injured as vehicle rams into crowd in New Orleans
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China unveils interim measures for flexible retirement system
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, Casualties feared after vehicle hits crowd in New Orleans: reports
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, Assess and foresee: President Xi welcomes 2025
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China's CATL launches new standard swappable batteries
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China's homegrown C919 plane begins regular Shanghai-Hong Kong flights
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, Panama celebrates 25th anniversary of canal's handover
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, Walled City movie a good way to promote Hong Kong tourism
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, New Year firework show lights up the sky in Harbin
2025-01-01, @小众软件, Arnis – 将现实世界地图转换为《我的世界》地图
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China's box office revenue totals 42.5 billion yuan in 2024
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China establishes technical committee to further AI standardization
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, 6 injured in Russian attack on Kyiv, mayor says
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, Gazprom stops gas transit through Ukraine as agreements expire
2025-01-01, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 580
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China's news media industry promotes international exchanges: report
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, IOC president sends New Year greetings to CMG
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, IOC president sends New Year greetings to CMG
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China to build 10,000 5G-powered factories by 2027
2025-01-01, @小众软件, LineageOS 22 发布,基于 Android 15,简单流线型,充满活力的氛围
2025-01-01, @CGTV-Nature, Meet China's new species discovered in 2024
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, Meet China's new species discovered in 2024
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, How to catch the Quadrantids, the first meteor shower of 2025
2025-01-01, @CGTV-World, Initial data extracted from Jeju Air crash black box voice recorder
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, Tesla's Shanghai energy storage Megafactory begins trial production
2025-01-01, @CGTV-China, China expects 9 billion trips during Spring Festival travel rush
2024-12-31, @CGTV-World, Key quotes from President Xi Jinping's 2025 New Year address
2024-12-31, @CGTV-China, Key quotes from President Xi Jinping's 2025 New Year address
2024-12-31, @CGTV-China, Local Views | Kashi 100-Hour Challenge: Episode 2
2024-12-31, @CGTV-China, Concerns of the people are always on my mind, says Xi
2024-12-31, @小众软件, Mozilla 亲自发布 Firefox AI 扩展 Orbit
2024-12-31, @CGTV-World, Lukas meets China Ep.1: The House of Flavour is calling
2024-12-31, @不死鸟, 2024 年 12 月 每日分享
2024-12-31, @不死鸟, 2024好用的手机应用
2024-12-31, @不死鸟, 24h搜书
2024-12-31, @不死鸟, 网页在线工具汇总
2024-12-31, @小众软件, Z-Library 新年礼物,赠送一个月会员
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, The rollicking stock market of 2024
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Jimmy Carter's wide-ranging impact
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Trump news in 2024, ahead of second presidency
2024-12-30, @Zeruns 's Blog, 2.5G交换机 TL-SE2420 简单开箱评测,16个2.5G电口+4个10G光口(SFP+)
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Middle East Insights 2024: Afghanistan, long road to reconstruction
2024-12-30, @CGTV-Nature, China advances in weather forecasting, disaster warning
2024-12-30, @CGTV-Nature, Beijing's forest coverage rate to reach 45 percent in 2025
2024-12-30, @不死鸟, Ghost-Downloader免费多线程下载工具
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, 2024 Top 10 International Sporting Events
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Biden announces nearly $2.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Graphics: Top 10 international news stories of 2024
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, WWII album witness: The story of U.S. pawnshop owner Evan Kail
2024-12-30, @CGTV-Nature, Temperature breaks records in 2024: Are we at the threshold of 1.5?
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, Temperature breaks records in 2024: Are we at the threshold of 1.5?
2024-12-30, @CGTV-Nature, CGTN Documentary: Echoes of Life
2024-12-30, @CGTV-World, South Korea's acting President Choi Sang-mok investigated by police
2024-12-30, @小众软件, OneQuick 10 – 让你的屏幕边缘秒变”魔法棒”|Windows 快捷操作工具
2024-12-30, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/52
2024-12-30, @潮流周刊, 第206期 - 标致的狗
2024-12-30, @Zeruns 's Blog, 莱卡云 美国9929大带宽VPS 性能测评,2核1G 20兆,仅需22.4元/月
2024-12-29, @Zeruns 's Blog, 爱快 IK-Q6000 WiFi6无线路由器 简单开箱评测和拆解
2024-12-28, @朽丘博, 24年12月小结,准备迎接新的一年
2024-12-27, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 331 期):你可能是一个 NPC
2024-12-27, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 105 期
2024-12-26, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 444 - Four limitations of Rust’s borrow checker
2024-12-27, @Zeruns 's Blog, UCloud 新加坡轻量服务器 性能测评,1核1G 30兆,仅需34元/月
2024-12-27, @Zeruns 's Blog, 阿里云 泰国轻量服务器 性能测评,2核1G 200M不限流量 仅需34元/月
2024-12-26, @Zeruns 's Blog, 阿里云 深圳轻量应用服务器 性能测评,2核1G 200M不限流量 仅需40元/月
2024-12-26, @Zeruns 's Blog, 优派VG2481-4K显示器 简单开箱评测,24寸4K HDR400 10bit 广色域屏幕
2024-12-26, @CGTV-Nature, What is a zero-carbon park? From low carbon to net-zero emissions
2024-12-26, @Zeruns 's Blog, 莱卡云 香港BGP云服务器 性能测评,1核1G 10兆,仅需20元/月,三网直连
2024-12-25, @书格, 多米尼斯的中国摄影集
2024-12-25, @Zeruns 's Blog, 莱卡云 韩国VPS 性能测评,双ISP住宅IP,1核1G 100兆,仅需54元/月,三网直连
2024-12-25, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 579
2024-12-24, @张洪Heo, Karabiner脚本:Mac实现大小写切换键(中英切换键)移动窗口
2024-12-24, @书格, 金石三例
2024-12-24, @不死鸟, 阅读:安卓阅读神器
2024-12-24, @CGTV-Nature, Infrared cameras capture wild deer battling for territory and mates
2024-12-24, @CGTV-Nature, Around 50 wild elephants electrocuted this year in Sri Lanka
2024-12-23, @CGTV-Nature, Death toll from Cyclone Chido in Mozambique rises to 120
2024-12-23, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/51
2024-12-23, @张洪Heo, 我在2025年推荐的Mac软件
2024-12-23, @潮流周刊, 第205期 - 听张信哲
2024-12-22, @朽丘博, 彼方的她:一次真实的跨越千年年的对话也许会改变未来
2024-12-22, @不死鸟, 安卓Apk应用下载
2024-12-21, @不死鸟, 迅雷11绿色版下载
2024-12-20, @书格, 澳门记略
2024-12-20, @CGTV-Nature, Protection for monarch butterflies: Potential benefits and risks
2024-12-20, @CGTV-Nature, Death toll from Cyclone Chido in Mozambique rises to 73
2024-12-20, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 330 期):李开复梳理人工智能
2024-12-19, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 443 - Thoughts on Rust Hashing
2024-12-18, @CGTV-Nature, Latest photos from the Vanuatu earthquake
2024-12-18, @CGTV-Nature, Geminid meteor shower lights up Mount Fanjing
2024-12-18, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 578
2024-12-18, @张洪Heo, AE如何制作滚动数字,滚动文字风格动画教程
2024-12-18, @不死鸟, 资源搜索引擎
2024-12-17, @张洪Heo, Mac实现快捷键拖动窗口,cmd+ctrl可以让鼠标任意位置拖动窗口
2024-12-16, @Apple 新闻, Apple reveals 2024’s most downloaded apps and games on the App Store
2024-12-16, @CGTV-Nature, Efforts underway to reduce human-elephant conflicts in Myanmar
2024-12-16, @CGTV-Nature, Millions of Australians warned to prepare for severe heat
2024-12-16, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/50
2024-12-16, @不死鸟, MAC应用软件下载
2024-12-16, @潮流周刊, 第204期 - 肉桂拿铁
2024-12-15, @书格, 拉克斯的中国摄影集
2024-12-15, @书格, 古经天象考
2024-12-14, @朽丘博, 让IPv4与IPv6进行互相连接互通,V6小鸡拯救者
2024-12-13, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 329 期):示意图利器 D2
2024-12-12, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 442 - Limbo: A complete rewrite of SQLite in Rust
2024-12-12, @Apple 新闻, His Majesty King Charles III visits Apple’s U.K. headquarters
2024-12-12, @CGTV-Nature, Paris 2024 organizers claim event far less polluting than recent Games
2024-12-12, @CGTV-Nature, China's mega water diversion project benefits over 185 million people
2024-12-12, @CGTV-Nature, Red leaves adorn historic Qixia Mountain in Nanjing
2024-12-11, @书格, 民国合作十二生肖图册
2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Voice Memos update brings Layered Recording to iPhone 16 Pro lineup
2024-12-11, @CGTV-Nature, IMD 2024: Promoting sustainable development in mountainous areas
2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple honors 2024 App Store Award winners
2024-12-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple Intelligence now features Image Playground, Genmoji, and more
2024-12-11, @This Week in Rust, This Week in Rust 577
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Chinese scientist wins 2024 UNEP's Champions of the Earth Award
2024-12-10, @Apple 新闻, Apple Music expands live global radio offering with three brand-new stations
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, The Green Miracle: Haba Lake
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, New Australian venture to target deadly disease-spreading mosquitoes
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, China develops polarization photodetector mimicking desert ant
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, China-World Bank ecological cooperation center launched in Beijing
2024-12-10, @张洪Heo, 如何几乎不损失视频画质而大幅度压缩视频?来试试VBR可变比特率吧!
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Harmony Keepers: Guardians of golden snub-nosed monkeys
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, In winter, Kunming Lake is like a mirror
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, COP16 report warns three-quarters of global land 'permanently drier'
2024-12-10, @CGTV-Nature, Landslides and flash floods hit Indonesia's Java island
2024-12-09, @书伴, [2024.12.09] Kindle 固件升级至 和
2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, China updates development road map for carbon capture
2024-12-09, @CGTV-Nature, The Green Miracle: Saihanba
2024-12-09, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/49
2024-12-09, @张洪Heo, 潘通 2025 年度色发布:PANTONE 17-1230 Mocha Mousse 摩卡慕斯
2024-12-09, @Apple 新闻, Apple announces Apple Retail expansion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2024-12-09, @潮流周刊, 第203期 - 银杏季节
2024-12-08, @书格, 西江诗派韩饶二集
2024-12-08, @CGTV-Nature, Ningxia's green evolution: A model for combating desertification
2024-12-08, @CGTV-Nature, The road to rural revival
2024-12-07, @CGTV-Nature, Meng Hao, Meng Tian: Names of baby panda twins at Zoo Berlin revealed
2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, New innovation drive: China's trade-in policy sparks green consumption
2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, New Zealand wildlife highly vulnerable to climate-driven extinction
2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, CGTN to launch documentary series on nature's guardians
2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, Magnitude-7.0 earthquake hits northern California
2024-12-06, @CGTV-Nature, How two brothers rewrite rural life in border village
2024-12-06, @阮一峰的网络日志, 科技爱好者周刊(第 328 期):AI 模型不是一门好生意
2024-12-05, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 441 - Goodbye, Rust. I wish you success but I'm back to C++ (sorry, it is a rant)
2024-12-05, @Apple 新闻, MLS Cup streams free on Apple TV this Saturday
2024-12-05, @书伴, 2024 款 Kindle Paperwhite 和入门版 Kindle 哪个更值得买?
2024-12-05, @CGTV-Nature, International tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels: UN agency
2024-12-04, @书伴, [2024.12.04] Kindle Scribe 固件升级至 5.17.2
2024-12-04, @CGTV-Nature, China sees warmest autumn on record
2024-12-04, @CGTV-Nature, New York braces for gusty winds, lake-effect snow showers
2024-12-04, @张洪Heo, Mac上使用Drawthings的Flux模型进行扩图、补图
2024-12-04, @张洪Heo, Mac使用rsync实现本地文件夹同步到服务器,提交编译好的静态站点,增量提交网站
2024-12-04, @CGTV-Nature, Study shows overlooked NOx emissions in California's Salton Sea basin
2024-12-03, @Apple 新闻, Apple Podcasts names Hysterical the 2024 Show of the Year
2024-12-03, @张洪Heo, Alist如何添加Ubuntu服务器的文件夹,给服务器添加上传SFTP的账号并授予访问权限
2024-12-02, @CGTV-Nature, Countries fail to reach agreement in UN plastic talks
2024-12-02, @阮一峰的网络日志, AI 应用无代码开发教程:工作流模式详解
2024-12-02, @张洪Heo, PixPin上手:Mac上强大免费的截图、录屏工具,一个都搞定
2024-12-02, @CGTV-Nature, COP16 to combat desertification opens in Saudi Arabia
2024-12-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/48
2024-12-02, @CGTV-Nature, Cyclone Fengal kills 3, brings heavy rain in India's coastal areas
2024-12-02, @CGTV-Nature, Landmark climate change case to open at top UN court
2024-12-02, @潮流周刊, 第202期 - 夕阳西下
2024-12-01, @CGTV-Nature, Next Stop: Yandunjiao, a picturesque coastal gem of history and nature
2024-12-01, @CGTV-Nature, Explainer: How can desertification affect us?
2024-12-01, @朽丘博, 24年11月小结,马上新年嘞刘德华也要解冻啦
2024-11-29, @张洪Heo, 宝塔Nginx反代上游服务器不支持HTTP3,如何启用HTTP3
2024-11-28, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 440 - Nio: An Async Runtime for Rust
2024-11-28, @张洪Heo, 宝塔如何开启HTTP3,启用HTTP3使用QUIC进行高性能传输
2024-11-28, @张洪Heo, 使用Certimate部署Google证书,免费通配符证书申请
2024-11-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 104 期
2024-11-25, @Apple 新闻, Apple reveals 45 app and game finalists for the 2024 App Store Awards
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-25, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#4
2024-11-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/47
2024-11-25, @张洪Heo, Mac中磁盘没有被推出,因为一个或多个程序可能正在使用它解决方法
2024-11-25, @潮流周刊, 第201期 - 山里木屋
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#2
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-24, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#3
2024-11-23, @书伴, 为什么 2024 款 Signature 版 Kindle Paperwhite 史上最佳
2024-11-22, @HiFeng'Blog, Debian 12 / Ubuntu 24.04 安装 Docker 以及 Docker Compose 教程
2024-11-21, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 439 - Async/Await Is Real And Can Hurt You
2024-11-21, @Apple 新闻, Billie Eilish is Apple Music’s Artist of the Year for 2024
2024-11-20, @Apple 新闻, Shazam hits 100 billion song recognitions
2024-11-19, @Apple 新闻, Apple shares the most popular podcasts of 2024
2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 merged a pull request in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-18, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 commented on pull request axhuoga2/-#1
2024-11-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/46
2024-11-18, @张洪Heo, 开机黑屏时间长,进系统显示器才亮?DP线开机黑屏进不去bios解决方法
2024-11-18, @潮流周刊, 第200期 - 云海日落
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 created a repository axhuoga2/-
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 created a branch main in axhuoga2/-
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 opened a pull request in axhuoga1/axhuoga3
2024-11-17, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1
2024-11-16, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 pushed to main in axhuoga2/axhuoga1
2024-11-16, @axhuoga2, axhuoga2 forked axhuoga2/axhuoga1 from axhuoga1/axhuoga3
2024-11-16, @书伴, 为什么 Kindle Colorsoft 的屏幕底部会泛黄?
2024-11-14, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 438 - Welcoming two new Rust GPU maintainers
2024-11-14, @书伴, 亚马逊 2024 款 Kindle Scribe 测评:改进批注,加点 AI
2024-11-14, @Apple 新闻, Apple debuts The Weeknd’s immersive music experience for Apple Vision Pro
2024-11-14, @张洪Heo, 泰坦军团P2710R上手:便宜好用的高刷显示器
2024-11-13, @Apple 新闻, Final Cut Pro 11 begins a new chapter for video editing on Mac
2024-11-13, @Apple 新闻, Apple Arcade unwraps new games for the holiday season
2024-11-11, @Apple 新闻, Apple’s Find My enables sharing location of lost items with third parties
2024-11-11, @张洪Heo, 通过智能插座在HomeAssistant中实现电脑开关机控制,无需米家开机卡
2024-11-11, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/45
2024-11-11, @潮流周刊, 第199期 - 键盘鼠标
2024-11-09, @朽丘博, 24年十月上旬周记,一段来自闲的慌的我的自述
2024-11-07, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 437 - Feds: Critical Software Must Drop C/C++ by 2026 or Face Risk
2024-11-06, @张洪Heo, 洪绘畅联发布!一个插件搞定内外网切换,根据环境自动切换最佳Url或者IP地址
2024-11-06, @张洪Heo, 在中国大陆如何使用 AirPods Pro 2 检测听力,使用听力检测教程
2024-11-05, @张洪Heo, 闲鱼买年费会员靠谱吗:年轻人的第一次被诈骗
2024-11-04, @潮流周刊, 第198期 - 千层金树
2024-11-01, @Apple 新闻, Driving the game forward: iPad teams up with college football
2024-10-31, @Awesome Rust Weekly, 💻 Issue 436 - A comparison of Rust's borrow checker to the one in C#
2024-10-31, @Apple 新闻, Apple reports fourth quarter results
2024-10-28, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/43
2024-10-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 103 期
2024-10-28, @潮流周刊, 第197期 - 喂流浪猫
2024-10-25, @朽丘博, 24年10月小结,错失学分的我雪上加霜
2024-10-21, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/42
2024-10-21, @潮流周刊, 第196期 - 新显示器
2024-10-14, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/41
2024-10-12, @朽丘博, 废话校园日常,但是这也是最快乐的时光
2024-10-07, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/40
2024-10-03, @朽丘博, LEDCDN小说明,让你明白基础的操作
2024-10-01, @朽丘博, 国庆快乐&学校游记
2024-09-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/39
2024-09-29, @知乎, 为什么即时战略游戏越来越落寞?
2024-09-28, @朽丘博, GoEdge快速上手使用,让自建CDN不在迷茫
2024-09-27, @知乎, 游戏的系列作品,下一作应该如何削弱前作中玩家已经养成的“战神”级角色?
2024-09-27, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 102 期
2024-09-26, @知乎, 游戏《冰汽时代2》中的“暖券”是什么?在现实中有类似的通货么?
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2024-09-25, @知乎, Reverse-o1:OpenAI o1原理逆向工程图解
2024-09-24, @知乎, 你一直坚持热爱的事情是什么?坚持了多久?
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2024-09-24, @知乎, 独立游戏在中国 插曲:手游版号办理完全攻略
2024-09-24, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏?它到底好不好玩?
2024-09-23, @知乎, 如何评价游戏《废土3》?
2024-09-23, @知乎, 有人可以把《战锤2:全面战争》的背景故事和人物关系讲清楚吗?
2024-09-23, @知乎, OpenAI o1 self-play RL 技术路线推演
2024-09-23, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/38
2024-09-22, @朽丘博, GoEdgeCDN懒人一键安装,真正的一键懒人脚本
2024-09-20, @朽丘博, 24年9月小结
2024-09-20, @知乎, 给独立游戏制作人的进阶建议
2024-09-20, @知乎, 黑神话悟空:斗罢艰险,能否出发?
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2024-09-19, @知乎, 各自精彩——《无敌号》原著与游戏情节对比
2024-09-18, @开源中国资讯, Java 23 / JDK 23 正式发布
2024-09-18, @开源中国资讯, Linux Kernel 6.11
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2024-09-17, @朽丘博, 性价比及便宜VPS|云服务器推荐
2024-09-16, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/37
2024-09-15, @开源中国资讯, 凹语言 v0.16.0 中秋特别版本发布
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2024-09-14, @开源中国资讯, VirtualBox 7.1 发布
2024-09-14, @开源中国资讯, 谷歌在搜索结果集成互联网档案馆「Wayback Machine」
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2024-09-13, @开源中国资讯, 分布式因果推断在美团履约平台的探索与实践
2024-09-13, @开源中国资讯, Docker 修改其订阅计划
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2024-09-12, @知乎, 清华计算机入学教育之“关于如何做科研的一些个人经验”
2024-09-11, @知乎, 在战锤世界中,四邪神是通过什么方法蛊惑忠诚派星际战士入坑的?
2024-09-10, @朽丘博, 最近欣赏的一些影视作品
2024-09-09, @知乎, 如何欣赏《黑神话:悟空》中极其精致的铠甲披挂,它符合中国历史上的真实甲胄设计吗?
2024-09-09, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/36
2024-09-09, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》讲了一个什么故事?
2024-09-09, @知乎, 2024 知乎创作者盐沙龙·成都站活动回顾
2024-09-05, @朽丘博, 醍醐灌顶
2024-09-05, @知乎, 【长文】24.8~京都大学数据科学/东京大学情报理工CS/东京大学复杂理工~合格经验
2024-09-05, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》的战斗设计?
2024-09-04, @知乎, 英超20队转会开局总结 黑马一黑到底 切尔西打游戏 曼联信错一人
2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?
2024-09-02, @知乎, 网友发现《黑神话:悟空》误将钢筋扫描至游戏中,如何评价游戏场景实景扫描这样的做法?是怎么办到的?
2024-09-02, @HiFeng'Blog, IPv4 & IPv6 双栈家庭局域网内将客户端网关指向旁路由的探究
2024-09-02, @知乎, 中国有哪些现存的宏伟至极的古建筑?
2024-09-02, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/35
2024-09-02, @知乎, 通关《黑神话:悟空》后,你如何评价这款游戏?
2024-09-01, @朽丘博, 来日方长
2024-09-01, @朽丘博, MiniCover封面设计
2024-08-30, @知乎, 为什欧洲各国联赛球队都希望参加欧冠联赛?
2024-08-30, @知乎, 有哪些天生自带鲜味的食材?
2024-08-30, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》里都有哪些山西古迹?
2024-08-29, @知乎, 一些数字国画博主质疑《黑神话:悟空》的游戏内壁画是AI生成的,实际上这些美术作品的创作难度有多大?
2024-08-28, @知乎, 敢问路在何方——浅谈黑神话悟空的关卡设计
2024-08-28, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的隐藏剧情和彩蛋,你发现了多少?
2024-08-28, @知乎, 如何评价《黑神话:悟空》第五回「日落红尘」?在难度、剧情、地图和战斗设计方面有哪些值得聊聊?
2024-08-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 101 期
2024-08-27, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》都有哪些隐藏道具、Boss、剧情、地图?
2024-08-27, @知乎, 哪些国货小家电精准地满足了你的「特定」小需求?
2024-08-27, @知乎, AI在家电领域有哪些应用,哪些是有实用价值的?中国家电品牌应该如何融入AI时代?
2024-08-26, @知乎, 抑郁症少年说「当面对老师的批评,没有人站在我的身后,非常痛苦」,与孩子「站在一起」这件事有多重要?
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2024-08-26, @知乎, 全合成的意义是什么?
2024-08-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/34
2024-08-26, @朽丘博, 24年8月小结
2024-08-23, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》中的「观音禅院」有原型吗?它是哪个朝代的建筑风格?
2024-08-23, @朽丘博, 博客魔改笔记记录
2024-08-23, @知乎, 现在的食品科技相较于古代如此发达,那腐乳和方便面调料哪个更鲜?
2024-08-22, @知乎, 《黑神话:悟空》的地图设计是否属于给美术设计让路的太严重了?
2024-08-21, @知乎, 乌尔善:以新技术探索中国电影工业化之路
2024-08-19, @知乎, 去客厅化是否等同于多功能客厅,在现代空间设计中,如何赋予空间 N 种可能?
2024-08-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/33
2024-08-18, @朽丘博, 最近半个月的报告
2024-08-16, @知乎, 电影类型拓荒者乌尔善 一直在勇于试错的路上
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2024-08-15, @知乎, 我有一个绝妙的游戏点子,怎样才能把它做出来?——独立游戏可行性概念篇
2024-08-14, @知乎, 创业一年,人间三年
2024-08-14, @知乎, 你好!新同学|2024 开学季活动正式启动🔥
2024-08-14, @知乎, 从零开始制作一个属于你自己的GPU | 基于FPGA的图形加速器实现原理
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2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/32
2024-08-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/31
2024-08-09, @知乎, 幼儿园放假,想带孩子练习跳绳,但总是学不会,有什么简单易懂的指导吗?
2024-08-08, @知乎, 运动员在备战奥运赛事的日常训练中,有哪些意想不到的新科技加持呢?
2024-08-08, @知乎, 奥运乒乓球决赛,为什么莫雷加德的衣服干爽而樊振东却大汗满身?
2024-08-08, @知乎, 看起来高难度的奥运项目是如何成为大众日常运动项目的?
2024-08-08, @知乎, 樊振东 0-2 落后选择更换球衣,随后找回状态完成大逆转,更换球衣从战术和心理层面有多大影响?
2024-08-06, @知乎, 游戏《上古卷轴5》称得上为「神作」吗?
2024-08-05, @朽丘博, 博客为什么大批倒闭跑路
2024-08-04, @朽丘博, 开源GoEdge系统投毒事件
2024-08-01, @朽丘博, 饿殍体验后感
2024-07-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/30
2024-07-27, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上使用 dae(大鹅) 搭建透明代理
2024-07-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 100 期
2024-07-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/29
2024-07-17, @朽丘博, 24年7月小结
2024-07-16, @HiFeng'Blog, 玩客云盒子(OneCloud)刷 Armbian 系统
2024-07-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/28
2024-07-14, @朽丘博, 上班&更新时间调整
2024-07-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/27
2024-07-08, @朽丘博, 必看?我被恐吓和博客一些事
2024-07-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/26
2024-06-29, @朽丘博, MC服务器开服全解-特保姆
2024-06-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 99 期
2024-06-27, @朽丘博, Minecraft-搭建Hypixel加速IP
2024-06-24, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/25
2024-06-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/24
2024-06-13, @朽丘博, 利用CDN和CF实现全球加速
2024-06-10, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/23
2024-06-03, @朽丘博, 搭建好用聊天系统附加APP
2024-06-03, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/22
2024-05-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 98 期
2024-05-27, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/21
2024-05-27, @朽丘博, 搭建MineBBS同款
2024-05-22, @朽丘博, 利用服务器搭建QQ机器人
2024-05-20, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/20
2024-05-13, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/19
2024-05-12, @朽丘博, 使用CDN后如何保护源站不泄露
2024-05-06, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/18
2024-05-04, @朽丘博, 一键安装脚本为CentOS 7 添加Swap交换分区
2024-05-03, @HiFeng'Blog, 斐讯 N1 盒子刷 Armbian 系统
2024-04-29, @朽丘博, 如何在Linux中禁用IPv6
2024-04-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/17
2024-04-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 97 期
2024-04-26, @HiFeng'Blog, Juicity 协议手动安装教程
2024-04-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/16
2024-04-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/15
2024-04-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/14
2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 使用 CloudFlare 源服务器证书时提示 issuer certificate not found 问题
2024-04-06, @HiFeng'Blog, 通过 Jekyll 在 GitHub Pages 上搭建博客系统
2024-04-05, @朽丘博, 使用cdnfly自建CDN
2024-04-01, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/13
2024-03-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 96 期
2024-03-26, @朽丘博, 最简单搭建MC服务器
2024-03-25, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/12
2024-03-18, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/11
2024-03-11, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/10
2024-03-09, @朽丘博, 搭建皮肤站并实现外置登录
2024-03-04, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/9
2024-03-03, @HiFeng'Blog, DartNode 无限流量 vps 注册申请教程
2024-02-28, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 95 期
2024-02-26, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/8
2024-02-19, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/7
2024-02-17, @朽丘博, 春节那些事
2024-02-12, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/6
2024-02-05, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/5
2024-01-31, @HiFeng'Blog, 在 Armbian 操作系统上搭建基于 Hysteria2 协议的透明代理
2024-01-29, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/4
2024-01-26, @HelloGitHub 月刊, HelloGitHub 第 94 期
2024-01-22, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/3
2024-01-15, @朽丘博, 论如何快速了解建站
2024-01-15, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/2
2024-01-09, @朽丘博, Hello World
2024-01-08, @蠎周刊, 上周蠎快讯 2024/1